Sentences with word «hiddenness»

In Luther's early theology of the cross, God hides His saving presence in the torment He visits on His elect; in the mature theology, the gracious hiddenness of God is primarily a matter of His lowliness, His kenosis in the incarnate Son, in His chosen signs, and in His saints.
God is, as Job found, irascible in freedom and pathos - filled in sovereignty, one who traffics in hiddenness and violence.
Does he have a passion for hiddenness?
And still others find it problematic because their experience indicates no domain of mystery or sacred hiddenness from which any «unconcealment» or «unveiling» could possibly occur.
The act of disobedience was followed by a flight into hiddenness.
The Messianic mystery is based on a real hiddenness which penetrates to the innermost existence and is essential to the servant's work of suffering.
In his still hiddenness, his manifest fame portends.
Nobody's reading is final or inerrant, precisely because the key Character in the book who creates, redeems and consummates is always beyond us in holy hiddenness.
For Barth, the triune God is revealed in his essential hiddenness, and hidden in his self - revelation.
And more: this sign of hiddenness points to the fact that the reality of truth and love, the reality of God himself, is not found in the world of things but beyond it, in the sphere of a new order that this tiny baby was ushering in.
The concrescence is the actuality in its transcendent hiddenness; as such it can not be experienced by another; the concretum is its objective manifestation.
The infinite mystery of the future, notwithstanding its ultimate hiddenness, condescends to dwell within the restrictive arena of our present human imaginings.
An object such as, for instance, a silver votive vessel comes into being not only by the interplay between the dark hiddenness of the earth and the radiant openness of the heavens — hidden ores brought up to shine in the light of day — but by the reverently poetic approach of mortals toward the gods and by the lordly approach of the gods toward mortals, out of the hidden realm of the divine, announcing themselves in the powers of nature.
«In the proper religious sense of the term,» writes Orthodox bishop Kallistos Ware, ««mystery» signifies not only hiddenness but disclosure....
A popular argument against the existence of God is what some call divine hiddenness: «If God exists, why doesn't he make his existence more obvious, such that it could not be doubted?»
But it has helped to entrench an expectation of transparency in a sector where murky hiddenness was the norm.
His early works explore simple analogies between human and computer memory, paralleling traits such as hiddenness and certain processes of representation.
In Turin, Benedict observed that «humanity has become particularly sensitive to the mystery of Holy Saturday,» because the «hiddenness of God» has become so much a part of our contemporary experience of Christ that it functions existentially, almost subconsciously, in our spirituality.
In hiddenness the fugitive Christ «hails» a retriever to trace his fugitive path and prepare for a new epiphany brought about by the renewal of language.
It would, I believe, not fear secularity, hiddenness, ironic distance, and indirection in the experience of coming to belief.
If this is true, then the complexity, hiddenness, and skepticism inherent in human experience of anything can not be denied, and they can be denied least when the experience in question is that of coming to belief.
It has been an attempt to suggest that the Western novel is haunted by the story of Jesus, in the sense that like the hiddenness of God in that human life, the image of human life in the Western novel is one in which human beings grapple with the transcendent through the inexorable limitations of historical existence.
Barth attempted to reconcile the brute fact of a Godless world with such terms as God's hiddenness, his incomprehensibility, and his complete otherness.
Man is not to be «seen through» but «to be perceived ever more completely in his openness and his hiddenness and in the relation of the two to each other.»
Let it, then, be hidden from all men, no matter how its hiddenness might be able to support him, yet he could not hide it from that inner companion, before whom he is most of all ashamed.
Similarly, for God to come precisely as Omega in our present order would mean the removal of contradiction in the present, the maturation of time, and the removal of all concealment, hiddenness and all darkness.
You say in The Presence of God that mysticism is an original, essential element of Christianity — is this because of the «hiddenness» of God?
If the servant should tear apart his hiddenness, not only would his work itself be destroyed but a counter-work would set in.
Kafka knows God's hiddenness, and he describes most exactly from inner awareness «the rule of the foul devilry which fills the foreground.»
And, oh, to my thinking this is one expression the more of the dreadfulness of this most dreadful sickness and misery, namely, its hiddenness — not only that he who suffers from it may wish to hide it and may be able to do so, to the effect that it can so dwell in a man that no one, no one whatever discovers it; no, rather that it can be so hidden in a man that he himself does not know it!
Parables concerning God are connected with observable events and people, but the onlook points to God's hiddenness.
In their hiddenness they compel the individual to act without the assurance that he acts as God wills.
When we push boldly through the hiddenness, wanting to know more clearly, what we thought was holy ground turns out to be a playground for idolatry.
Ultimately, the dark night teaches us to trust the hiddenness of God, knowing that our theologies, our practices, even our experiences of God can be limiting.
The strangeness of life and the hiddenness of its meaning can not be respoded to appropriately by a life - style of linear power.
The tradition in Protestant theology of the «hiddenness» of God in Christ is truer to our Christian experience than is the objectively recognizable sign - performing God - Man of Roman Catholic theology.
So we talked a lot about Bonhoeffer that year, especially about the musings he set down during the last months of his life about the hiddenness of God and the coming of a «postreligious» age in human history.
Refusing to defend God with arguments that reduce God to the logic of a system, he lifted up the ineffable mystery, hiddenness, ever - graciousness and glory of the divine source of revelation.
The dialectic of presence and hiddenness is fundamentally constitutive of Christian existence.
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