Sentences with phrase «hide their illness as»

They will hide their illness as long as they can.
In fact, dogs often hide their illnesses as long as possible, acting like they feel fine when they really don't.

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Richard Ferre, a psychiatrist in the LDS Church's Missionary Department, is quoted as saying that «there are better ways to cope than to hide illness or to presume [those who come home early] lack faith.»
For many years depression, unless it required hospitalization, was something we hid in the closet (and even then we hid it if possible) As more people are recognizing the nature of the illness, more are seeking help.
By uncovering these hidden variations, researchers should be able to better explain the hard - to - find genetic components of diseases such as mental illnesses, says Randy Jirtle, an epigeneticist at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.
If you are overweight, suffer from autoimmune disease, allergies, any chronic illness or health condition or inflammatory diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, the potential health benefits of discovering and uprooting hidden food sensitivities can not be overstated.
Hidden family events and dynamics from past generations may manifest in our current lives as illness, relationship problems, addiction, financial instability, lack of purpose, depression, etc..
It's a dangerous and hidden cause of chronic illness that can show up as fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive symptoms, weight problems, and other serious conditions...
Can you please recommend the best way to ensure the greens are free of harmful bacteria (just read that raw greens are responsible for half the cases of food borne illness - can't imagine rinsing is effective on bacteria hiding in the nooks & crannies of curly kale) and advise as to the possibility of thyroid damage from too many oxalates.
The story reads like Beth's journal as she encounters obstacles in her new community — having all her belongings stolen at the train station, being treated as an outsider, struggling with illness and uncovering the threat hidden in the woods around her new home.
Haslett paints a portrait of a family grappling with mental illness in alternating POVs over a stretch of more than 30 years, giving insight into how each family member has been affected, in ways hidden and obvious, by a disease that is as invisible as it is destructive.
This is Amy's first introduction to the public with a strong message in a memoir that will resonate with survivors of any catastrophic illness as well as those who feel they must hide their chronic disabilities to continue to work and tend to their families.
This can go undetected for a long time, since rodents and rabbits often hide symptoms of illness as they are potential prey animals that have to hide weakness to avoid predation.
Usually, blood testing should be performed on an annual basis, especially with Older Dogs and Cats, which are prone to illnesses such as diabetes and kidney disease (among others), which are more easily revealed in their early stages by blood testing, and may otherwise be well hidden by your pet.
Because our felines are still part of the animal kingdom, the rule of «predator or prey» exists and cats will often hide any illness or discomfort so as to not appear vulnerable.
This is especially important for senior pets - they may hide illness better and they do not often have the health reserves they did as a younger animal.
Cats and dogs can hide illness well, which is a good thing if they're wild animals, as they need to trick predators who tend to prey on sick, injured, or weak animals into believing that they are healthy.
Often, there will be other signs of illness as well, but felines are very good at hiding their state of health.
Cats in particular are notorious for hiding signs of illness but studies have shown that «sickness behaviors» such as decreased food intake, increased vomiting, elimination outside of the box and a complete avoidance of elimination will also increase when a cat is stressed.3
A thorough scaling below the gum line is critical to the success of any dental cleaning, as this is where illness - causing bacteria hide.
Many exotic pets are prey animals and they are experts at masking their feelings and hiding illnesses, so as not to become a target for a predator.
As prey animals, guinea pigs hide signs of illness.
Regular checkups for cats are critical as cats go out of their way to hide signs of illness.
In the wild, animals tend to hide signs of illness or weakness as a survival mechanism.
If we allow free - feeding, it can takes sometimes days to figure out whether the kitty isn't eating enough — which is important, since cats hide their illness very well and you want to catch problems as early as they arise.
Birds are good at hiding signs of illness, so if you notice that your bird is acting unusual or if something just doesn't seem right, call us as soon as possible.
As a result, these pets often don't show obvious signs of illness until they are too sick to hide it anymore.
But really, animals in the wild will often hide signs of illness as a survival tactic to avoid being kicked out of their pack.
Since both cats and dogs are extremely adept at hiding illness and pain as a survival strategy until the underlying reason for their discomfort reaches an unbearable point.
And if I as a doctor can coax the hidden meaning of the illness into the open, then healing can begin.»
I love leading therapy groups, the ideal antidote for isolation: couples therapy with clients who want to work on improving or clarifying their relationship needs, adults dealing with life challenges such as chronic illness, depression, and hidden disabilities.»
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