Sentences with phrase «hiding in»

I know how it goes, Sabio, the endless so - called «dialectic» with someone always hiding in the bushes not wanting to reveal his own thoughts.
I have done both and conclude that evil is HIDING in my church, that they are not capable of expelling it and that members of the judicial branch have made a coup on, not only the rest of government, but the church as well.
I still get the sense that I am hiding in the woods but very close to the edge... close enough to look out upon the clearing the lies beckoning before me.
Catherine described hiding in the mire of pigs to escape the Red Army, only to be captured and condemned to death by slow starvation.
How about hearing the person brave enough to hide you being beaten by Nazis and being unable to do anything about it because you are hiding in a small shelter underground?
Also check out the book «Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed» about how the entire village of Le Chambon in France saved 5,000 Jews by hiding them in the forest surrounding their homes, with Nazis actively searching for them.
The meaningful life is hiding in the given life — and the abundant life is found in finding that Jesus is abundantly enough.
Part - time mystics don't exist only in monasteries, we're hiding in all walks of life and the Spirit often speaks as clearly in our betwixt moments.
When is Lucifer going to stop this «hiding in plain sight» nonsense?
We can confuse a lack of fame with a lack of blessing, perhaps, when the truth is that a wide open and spacious life is waiting in even the smallest and most obscure of moments, an abundant life, healing, wholeness, courage, love, all hiding in the crucible of everyday life, everyday justice, far from applause.
Serendipitously, two weekends ago when he did that, it was a chapter about how discussions of theology need ordinary people to be involved, how well - educated and well - read and well - travelled scholars also need us low church experiential local folks talking about how we see and experience and know God, about how theologians are hiding in every walk of life.
Most of the Ja.panese troops weren't hiding in the middle of the 2 cities.
Are you sure none of them were hiding in there somewhere - they can be real hard to find sometimes - but maybe you've found a new one.
@chance — I take this as your concession that your position is, in fact, based in «hiding in ignorance» and the non sequitur of «God did it.»
This seems almost predatory to me, like God is some hunter who's hiding in a blind, admiring the deer who aren't fooled while taking the heads of the rest as trophies.
Their «pastors» are hiding in the tall grass when it comes to this fight... too busy trying to convince themselves and others that there is no hell - all so they can justify their evil lifestyles.
Morals are relative: It is wrong to lie, except if you have a young girl hiding in your attic.
Although I couldn't have known at the time, I was also free to submit myself to a cruel master hiding in wait behind beautiful promises.
The only way it wasnt him was if he there was a close relative from both sides of his family, that happened to look like him, that was hiding in a large house in Pakistan 1000's of miles from the rest of the Bin Ladens.
I've watched pimps pedal sex with teen boys and stood by watching my husband text a girl locked in a hotel and hiding in a bathroom, desperate for help, in a foreign country where her passport was taken away.
Talk to those hiding in China, those who hid in USSR, those who are slaughtered in any Islamic country or region..
No, Marky, because if I claimed that there was an invisible magic unicorn hiding in my basement, you would insist on proof.
Rick, I've been hiding it in a google search for «evolution evidence».
Prove that there isn't an invisible magic unicorn hiding in my basement, and that when I pray to him, he listens.
Are you quoting T - itus, or something about wh - oremongers or have another word fragment hiding in there?
Photos taken by Teslarati photographer Pauline Acalin have confirmed that SpaceXâ $ ™ s massive Mars rocket fabrication tooling has been hiding in plain sight...
«So when we were hiding in the room, people were saying they heard gunshots, and we didn't know if it was real,» Ryan said.
Survivors of gun violence spoke at the rally, telling their stories of hiding in classrooms, of hearing the pop - pop of gunfire in their neighborhoods.
So unless there is some skeleton still hiding in a closet somewhere there is little that could derail this deal, and it is expected to close soon: the second quarter of 2018.
Are your sales really down (or just hiding in new channels)?
Ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who exposed widespread spying on Americans and remains in hiding in Russia, criticized CISA.
Yet, despite all of these derogatory references to the Terry Malloys and Dean Wormers and Norman Bates in the world of gold and silver, I continue to believe that gold, silver, gold and silver miners, developers, and explorers are going to quite soon have their moments in the sunlight, finally out from under the rocks and tree stumps where they have been hiding in darkness for what feels like an eternity.
It is that students and teachers should throw whatever they can at a shooter who manages to breach the door into the room that they're hiding in.
Mr. Tsarnaev made his admission on April 21 — two days after he was captured while hiding in a boat in a nearby backyard — to specially trained F.B.I. agents who had been waiting outside his hospital room for him to regain consciousness.
The minister of citizenship and immigration has already picked a fight this year with Amnesty International over his plan to enlist the public's help in identifying and rounding up fugitives suspected of hiding in Canada from their alleged past behaviour as war criminals.
So as you can see below in my example it turned out it was hiding in the nav-menu.php file.
More mysteries could be hiding in the 20 - page September meeting record.
Sometimes, the best bargains (in terms of risk / reward) really are hiding in plain sight.
A student took this video of classmates hiding in a classroom at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, as a gunman opens fire.
The officials said the raiding party had been on the verge of leaving the white stucco house without finding the man, Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela, when some officers discovered him hiding in a secret compartment.
«The reclusive inventor of the troubled virtual currency has been hiding in plain sight,» the teaser said.
Still hiding in pain?
«If we can drive a paradigm shift where mobile platforms don't shut off access, we'll be better able to detect when hackers are hiding in a mobile (phone),» he said.
Hiding in the forest, she befriends seven dwarfs — Doc, Sneezy, Grumpy, Happy, Bashful, Sleepy and Dopey.
As Bernard and the others are hiding in a barn, we see Trevor and his henchman shooting at a human guest with a glass balanced on her head.
The plaintiff's lawyer accused the band of «hiding in the UK» over their refusal to attend.
He had his staff spend two years and close to $ 2 million building a complex computer program called Pipeline, which tracks the cost of every second of every call so that he can find and stamp out any inefficiencies hiding in the traffic.
ROME (AP)-- Convicted Cosa Nostra «boss of bosses» Bernardo Provenzano, who reputedly led the Mafia's powerful Corleone clan, died on Wednesday, a decade after his capture in Sicily following decades of hiding in the countryside, a lawyer said.
There are some signs that inflation could come out of hiding in the next 18 months, but I would be very surprised if we saw a substantial increase in long rates in the coming couple of years just because there are too many disinflationary macro headwinds.
But Pür Gum's export shipments really took off after the company accidently discovered a distribution channel that was hiding in plain sight.
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