Sentences with phrase «hierarchical authority»

"Hierarchical authority" refers to a system where different levels of power and control exist within an organization or group. It means that certain individuals or positions have more authority and decision-making power over others. Full definition
This comprehensive refutation of hierarchical authority in the church exposes authoritarian bias and presents a better way.
The second and closely connected problem has to do with hierarchical authority in the church's life.
Hierarchical authority inhibits dispersed missional engagement.»
Nineteenth century Disciples feared hierarchical authority to such degree that any organization beyond the local congregation was regarded with suspicion.
This half - leave has put us in a peculiar position; in our political and social life we seem to swing wildly between desires for full egalitarianism and rigidly hierarchical authority.
The problems we face in our societies - from global problems with like climate change to more local ones like inequity and loss of purpose and connection to one another - are beyond the reach of existing institutions and their reliance on hierarchical authority.
There, the Court canvassed the American authorities and concluded that, where people had chosen to organize themselves into voluntary religious associations, and had agreed to be bound by the decisions of the hierarchy created to govern such associations, the civil courts could not be availed of to hear appeals from otherwise final decisions of such hierarchical authorities.
The remedy does not work perfectly, but it is the only one we have; and if ministry is to be truly representative, it will be ever necessary to emphasize the accountability of hierarchical authorities to conciliar institutions.
His ultimate goal is to create an enterprise that can tap the benefits of global scale and diversity without the stifling costs of bureaucratic controls and hierarchical authority and without a managerial focus on personal power and self - perpetuation.
They offer a powerful diagnosis of the «tyrannies» and «addictions» many have experienced in Christian communities where a vengeful and capricious God Is preached, and where that preaching is reinforced by powerful personalities or conceptions of biblical, theological or hierarchical authority.
Besides the cancer of opposition to hierarchical authority, another disease that needs to be cured is the ambivalence about priesthood.
And in any case, since most of the work we do is irretrievably dull, repetitive or subject to hierarchical authority, hankering after meaningful work for everyone seems unattainably utopian.
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