Sentences with phrase «hierarchical modeling with»

In this paper, we use a new statistical framework (based on spatio - temporal empirical hierarchical modeling with Gaussian processes; code available at Github) to identify the common global signal in a new database of > 1300 geological sea - level indicators from 24 localities around the world.
Hierarchical models with a general ADHD factor and two or three specific factors best accounted for parent and teacher reports of symptoms for both boys and girls and at two time points separated by a 12 - month interval.

Not exact matches

Still another problem which Wolf seeks to resolve with the aid of his «hierarchical» model of structured societies is the issue of the duration or length of time required for the concrescence of an actual occasion.
It turns out that it is possible to transform the mosaic model into a «hierarchical model» with the above features without violating the rules of no empty space, no overlap, and no surrounding.
This hierarchical model has the advantage of being congruent with the theory of societies and with the notion of holistic emergence.
Plugging each model into the simulation, Dekker, Mirny and colleagues found that their chromosome conformation capture data was inconsistent with the classical, hierarchical model.
Using a hierarchical model, the authors combine information from these various sources to obtain an ensemble estimate of current and future climate along with an associated measure of uncertainty.
When adults learn hierarchical rules, Frank and Collins have combined experimental data with computer models of brain function to suggest, that the key circuit involved is a connection between the PFC and another region called the striatum.
In this work, we describe the development of a large scale, comprehensive Monte Carlo simulator to model thermal transport in nanostructured materials with a large and arbitrary degree of hierarchical disorder.
Jennifer Galindo, a researcher with the Collaborative Strategic Reading and Promoting Adolescents» Comprehension of Text projects at MCPER and doctoral student in educational psychology with an emphasis in quantitative methods, will lead a brown bag presentation November 12 on hierarchical linear modeling (HLM).
We matched 8,095 dual credit participants to an equal number of nonparticipants within the same high school at the point of postsecondary enrollment using propensity scores calculated through a two - level hierarchical generalized linear model with college type as a post treatment adjustment.
That is, the «deepness» in deep learning means that successive layers of a model are able to untangle important relationships in a hierarchical way from data as it is found «in the wild,» with much less pre-processing than has been done in the past.
For his MATRIX project, Dion combines the museum's collection with his practice of investigating the intersection of art and the history of science, developing a hierarchical chain of living creatures to create a Wadsworth - specific version of «The Great Chain of Being» (based on Aristotle's ancient model) through details of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts found in the museum's collection.
In this model, people with a hierarchical and individualistic world - view are expected to be naturally skeptical of environmental risks, since acceptance of such risks implies the need for regulation of industry and consumption.
Phil, re Ha - Duong (2008): a paper with this title: «Hierarchical fusion of expert opinions in the Transferable Belief Model, application to climate sensitivity.»
Substance use problem severity, mental health symptoms, and trauma symptoms were measured at baseline, and follow - up data were analyzed with prospective meta - analysis and hierarchical linear modeling.
Hierarchical generalised linear mixed models with a logit link were used to analyse the relationship between poor attendance and maternal alcohol use, and sociodemographic and school characteristics, with models nested at the child and family level.
A structural therapist seeks to establish a hierarchical understanding of the family within their formulation, but that emphasis is not so explicit with the McMaster model, which is more empirical e.g. as long as the family's necessary roles are filled, who does what, etc., is of less importance (providing they have a say in whatever responsibilities they carry).
An examination of collinearity was undertaken comparing changes in the standard errors and magnitude and sign (positive or negative) of the bivariate analyses results with the standard bivariate regression models for each sex and the full hierarchical regression models.
RESULTS: The hierarchical regression model for job stress explained 26.8 % of... the variance among those with a low monthly income (β = − 0.151, p = 0.021), an irregular diet (β = 0.165, p = 0.014), and high daily work hours (β = 0.380, p = 0.000), showing that these respondents were more likely to report high job stress levels.
In order to assess the replicability of results from Study 1, the indirect effect of secure - preoccupied nation attachment on SWB through heritage identification was tested with a Sobel test; all values entered to the test were derived from hierarchical linear models.
Hierarchical linear models testing the association of nation attachment with heritage culture identification after including the control variables was partially replicated in this study; the lack of an association between dismissive nation attachment and heritage identification is attributed to a lower proportion of migrant participants.
We reconstructed the hierarchical linear model from Study 1 to investigate the association of nation attachment with heritage culture identification when controlling for confounding variables, with individuals nested in their reported nationality groups.
Models with dysfunctional emotion regulation as a mediation variable were tested via hierarchical multiple regression analyses and bootstrapping procedure.
[book] Zaidman - Zait, A / 2005 / Multilevel (HLM) models for modeling change with Incomplete Data: Demonstrating the effects of Missing data and Level - 1 Model Mis - specification / Paper presented at the Hierarchical Linear Modeling (SIG) of themodeling change with Incomplete Data: Demonstrating the effects of Missing data and Level - 1 Model Mis - specification / Paper presented at the Hierarchical Linear Modeling (SIG) of theModeling (SIG) of the America
A model with cognitive efficiency as a mediator variable was tested using hierarchical multiple regression analysis, with a bootstrapping procedure to examine indirect effects.
The hypothesis that nation attachment would account for variance in acculturation over and above the other predictor variables was examined with a hierarchical linear model (HLM), where participants (Level 1) were nested in their country of origin (Level 2).
In hierarchical regression analyses with the various ENRICH factor scores as dependent variables and job satisfaction as the independent variable in the first block, the two SSQ factors in the second block, and the WOC factors in the third block, between 24 and 38 % of the variance in seven of the nine ENRICH factors (not significant model for «Family & Friends» and «Marriage & Children») could be explained by the variation in all the independent variables with varying weight of the several independent variables (Table 3).
To test both questions, hierarchical regression analyses were performed with demographics entered in block one of each model, the mindfulness subscales entered into block two, and one conflict style entered as the criterion variable for each model.
Data Analysis: Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was used to examine models with variables both on the student and the school levels.
HLM: Hierarchical linear modeling with the HLM / 2L and HLM / 3L programs.
Analyses for the evaluation were conducted with Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM), with full maximum likelihood estimation used for all models.
This hierarchical, cross-classified model allows us to examine predictors of children's emotional problems, predictors of informant agreement on children's emotional problems and the extent of children's similarity with their siblings on emotional problems.
Results using hierarchical linear modeling show that a negative inferential style interacted with negative events to predict prospective symptoms of general and anhedonic depression specifically but not anxious arousal, general internalizing or externalizing symptoms.
Hierarchical linear modeling was used to conduct a two - level analysis on 720 students and 24 teachers with valid data on all research variables.
Because they presented bimodal distributions, the hospitalization and injury outcomes variables were analyzed as dichotomous variables with logistic regressions using the same hierarchical model design.
For the multilevel analyses we used the hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) framework and performed our analyses with HLM 7 [39].
Hierarchical linear modeling revealed relatively few single effects for each biomarker with the exception that high HR reactivity predicted concurrent internalizing problems in boys.
A multilevel network approach was used in which peer groups were identified via social network analysis, and peer group influence was evaluated with hierarchical linear modeling (HLM).
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