Sentences with phrase «hierarchical models in»

Collaborative leadership, which is an important part of activist leadership, is different from hierarchical models in that you might enter a meeting and be unable to even detect who the leader is.
The details of the implementation of the hierarchical modeling in the BEST data I read about some time ago.

Not exact matches

The important thing is that you organize your model in the hierarchical format that makes the most sense for your particular business.
He's interested in anything that uses a network effect to decentralise what are traditionally hierarchical models.
As Kinnaman puts it, «which model [does] the Church most resemble — the established monolith or grassroots network — and what might that mean for its relevance in the lives of a collaborative, can - do generation that feels alienated from hierarchical institutions?»
Hardesty and Scanzoni, for example, conclude that the text in Ephesians 5 could not be teaching support for a hierarchical marriage relationship «because the dominant - husband submissive - wife model of marriage was the norm in the societies of that time.
There is, however, one important feature of the mosaic model that is lost in the hierarchical model.
I try to bring together the notions of hierarchical nesting, forms of relatedness, physical fields, and interstitial spaces in models of the general features of presiding superjects.
In this kind of nested hierarchical structure no region is ever completely surrounded by any larger region — topologically everything is side by side just as in the mosaic modeIn this kind of nested hierarchical structure no region is ever completely surrounded by any larger region — topologically everything is side by side just as in the mosaic modein the mosaic model.
I would now like to show how the hierarchical model of the universe allows us further to unravel this imagery of divine vulnerability in a cosmological setting.
According to our hierarchical model, the ultimate level of meaning would also dwell in and rely upon the subsidiaries which it attempts lovingly to order into a patterning of beauty.
And so, I shall devote the first part of this chapter to outlining how Christian symbolism may be situated in terms of an aesthetic cosmology and the second part to shedding light on some aspects of Christian faith in terms of the emergent - hierarchical model.
So, if the Trinitarian life of God is one of a hierarchy, and we are people whose lives should model the divine life as a light to the world, then we too should live hierarchical lives in which some people are of greater importance than others and should thus be treated accordingly.
The problem is, no one has seen chromatin in these discrete intermediate sizes in cells that have not been broken apart and had their DNA harshly processed, so the textbook model of chromatin's hierarchical higher - order organization in intact cells has remained unverified.
The currently favored cosmological galaxy models are based on the idea of hierarchical structure formation: that structures in the universe such as galaxies develop from small «overdensities» to become large - scale objects.
In this work, we describe the development of a large scale, comprehensive Monte Carlo simulator to model thermal transport in nanostructured materials with a large and arbitrary degree of hierarchical disordeIn this work, we describe the development of a large scale, comprehensive Monte Carlo simulator to model thermal transport in nanostructured materials with a large and arbitrary degree of hierarchical disordein nanostructured materials with a large and arbitrary degree of hierarchical disorder.
In this paper, we use a new statistical framework (based on spatio - temporal empirical hierarchical modeling with Gaussian processes; code available at Github) to identify the common global signal in a new database of > 1300 geological sea - level indicators from 24 localities around the worlIn this paper, we use a new statistical framework (based on spatio - temporal empirical hierarchical modeling with Gaussian processes; code available at Github) to identify the common global signal in a new database of > 1300 geological sea - level indicators from 24 localities around the worlin a new database of > 1300 geological sea - level indicators from 24 localities around the world.
«These include the degree to which traditional professional norms in education persist in the school; for example, the degree to which the principal tends to utilize a more hierarchical model of leadership, as well as why and how members are selected to the team.
It is important to bear in mind that the hierarchical model described in the previous section is not a theory, but a pattern of data.
A hierarchical model, shown in diagram C of Figure 1, fits this pattern.
Let students be the experts in the gameplay while you facilitate the learning experiences: Introducing video games like Minecraft disrupts the hierarchical model of teaching because students often know more about the medium than their teachers.
A comparison of hierarchical linear and multilevel structural equation growth models and their application in school effectiveness research
Hierarchy in Design Question 1 The most important hierarchical structure in the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model is the learning progression located in Design Question 1, Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales (Rubrics).
Much of the power of the Marzano Model lies in its use of a hierarchical structure.
Jennifer Galindo, a researcher with the Collaborative Strategic Reading and Promoting Adolescents» Comprehension of Text projects at MCPER and doctoral student in educational psychology with an emphasis in quantitative methods, will lead a brown bag presentation November 12 on hierarchical linear modeling (HLM).
Our researchers have expertise in computer adaptive testing, item response theory, covariance structure analysis, meta - analyses, hierarchical modeling, causal analysis, computational statistics, and natural language processing (NLP).
In order to estimate the contribution of student SES (calculated as the percentage of students in a school eligible for free or reduced lunch) to relationships described in the path model between the three teacher variables and student achievement, we computed three hierarchical regressionIn order to estimate the contribution of student SES (calculated as the percentage of students in a school eligible for free or reduced lunch) to relationships described in the path model between the three teacher variables and student achievement, we computed three hierarchical regressionin a school eligible for free or reduced lunch) to relationships described in the path model between the three teacher variables and student achievement, we computed three hierarchical regressionin the path model between the three teacher variables and student achievement, we computed three hierarchical regressions.
Recent advances in the statistical theory of hierarchical linear models should enable important breakthroughs in the measurement of psychological change and the study of correlates of change.
That is, the «deepness» in deep learning means that successive layers of a model are able to untangle important relationships in a hierarchical way from data as it is found «in the wild,» with much less pre-processing than has been done in the past.
While it may be easy to declare that the individual works of each artist suffer as a result of such an exhibition strategy, doing so would only reaffirm the monolithic model of the gallery group show, one where works are curated in a typical — yet hierarchical — fashion.
For his MATRIX project, Dion combines the museum's collection with his practice of investigating the intersection of art and the history of science, developing a hierarchical chain of living creatures to create a Wadsworth - specific version of «The Great Chain of Being» (based on Aristotle's ancient model) through details of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts found in the museum's collection.
Something like a gamma (1.1,1 / 2.0) or gamma (2,1 / 1.5) or a hierarchical model where the two gamma parameters are linked together... I think something like this has been done in this paper which — I think — was mainly a response to the earlier work using a uniform prior, but seems to have shown results using an expert prior which was small at 0C and above 6C.
In this model, people with a hierarchical and individualistic world - view are expected to be naturally skeptical of environmental risks, since acceptance of such risks implies the need for regulation of industry and consumption.
Phil, re Ha - Duong (2008): a paper with this title: «Hierarchical fusion of expert opinions in the Transferable Belief Model, application to climate sensitivity.»
A spatial hierarchical Bayesian model is then developed to analyse the annual maximum runoff in different seasons for both historical and future time periods.
More detail can be found here: Kass, R.E. and Steffey, D. (1989) Approximate Bayesian inference in conditionally independent hierarchical models (parametric empirical Bayes models) Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84: 717 - 726.
While X. 509 also relies on encryption, like the bitcoin protocol, it differs from bitcoin in that it works on a centralised «hierarchical» model, where certifying authorities vouch for a document's authenticity.
A structural therapist seeks to establish a hierarchical understanding of the family within their formulation, but that emphasis is not so explicit with the McMaster model, which is more empirical e.g. as long as the family's necessary roles are filled, who does what, etc., is of less importance (providing they have a say in whatever responsibilities they carry).
To determine if the slope differences depend on completer status, a 3 - way interaction of completer status — × — treatment group — × - time was included in the hierarchical linear models.
An examination of collinearity was undertaken comparing changes in the standard errors and magnitude and sign (positive or negative) of the bivariate analyses results with the standard bivariate regression models for each sex and the full hierarchical regression models.
Externalizing symptoms / disruptive behavior - 2 and Comorbid psychiatric conditions - 2 shifted from significant in the bivariate model to nonsignificant in the full hierarchical model, but they were not in the final model.
Multivariable hierarchical regression permits grouping of related variables (as described earlier in the «Instruments» section), which are then added successively to the model.
In hierarchical regression analysis of SA, social support was present in models 2 and 3, but disappeared after adjusting for substance use and depressive symptoms in model 4 (table 3In hierarchical regression analysis of SA, social support was present in models 2 and 3, but disappeared after adjusting for substance use and depressive symptoms in model 4 (table 3in models 2 and 3, but disappeared after adjusting for substance use and depressive symptoms in model 4 (table 3in model 4 (table 3).
Using data from the 2003 — 2004 Schools and Staffing Survey, this article compares teacher working conditions in charter schools and traditional public schools through propensity score matching and weighted hierarchical linear modeling.
In hierarchical linear modelling analyses, the intervention was more effective than no intervention for reducing peer reports of aggression (p = 0.03) and hyperactive and disruptive behaviour (p = 0.02)(table ⇓); no difference was seen for peer reports of prosocial behaviour or ratings of most liked children.
Recent factor analytic studies in Attention - Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have shown that hierarchical models provide a better fit of ADHD symptoms than correlated models.
Hierarchical linear modeling39 was used to examine intervention group differences in cortisol levels at waking and bedtime as well as in slope cortisol levels across the day, following analytic procedures used previously.5 Hierarchical linear modeling accounts for the nonindependence of repeated measures by modeling multiple data points as nested within individuals, which further allows for missing data.
Multivariate hypothesis testing was conducted in the hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) context to examine differences in patient and spouse initial status and rates of change over time on self - reported depressive symptomatology.
She has technical expertise in a wide range of statistical techniques used in the social sciences, including structural equation modeling, confirmatory factor analysis and MIMIC approaches to measurement, path modeling, regression analysis (e.g., linear, logistic, Poisson), latent class analysis, hierarchical linear models (including growth curve modeling), latent transition analysis, mixture modeling, item response theory, as well as more commonly used techniques drawing from classical test theory (e.g., reliability analysis through Cronbach's alpha, exploratory factor analysis, uni - and multivariate regression, correlation, ANOVA, etc).
A conceptual, hierarchical model that considers history of abuse, risk and protective factors, in turn, is proposed to assess families for the potential of child maltreatment.
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