Sentences with phrase «hierarchical order»

"Hierarchical order" refers to a system where things or people are arranged in a specific order based on their level of importance, authority, or power. It implies a structure where higher-ranking individuals have more control or influence over those lower in the hierarchy. Full definition
The work «provides irrefutable experimental evidence of the hair phase variation across the three main regions of hair and is an important step toward gaining a better understanding of hierarchical ordering of the intermediate filaments of keratin,» she said.
I would wish, now that we end on the note of tragedy, that I could struggle with the problem of whether I have imposed an Hegelian hierarchical order on Whitehead.
Unless hierarchical ordering of churchly gatherings makes a place for another companion order more appropriate to a gifted community, the ordering necessitated by discipleship will inhibit maturing in the Spirit.
Hierarchical order arises when ordained leaders operate as the only gifted persons in a crowd of disciples with little spiritual equipment.
Its 800,000 gods have hardly been put into hierarchical order, each god being a particular manifestation of the Numinous by itself.
Another friend admitted that she thinks about hierarchical ordering even when sending emails to friends, considering who has been a friend for longer.
SCORPIO: That information is strictly secret and shared only with the Enlightened Ones in the Star Chamber of the Ancient Hierarchical Order.
Breadcrumbs can also use this progress UI since they flow in a natural hierarchical order.
Those who object to a hierarchical ordering of creatures often complain that this is an extension of anthropomorphism.
This does not contradict the individual love but sets it within the hierarchical order of the family bond.
These characteristics, which include the nonsummative nature of a system, adaptive self - stabilization, adaptive self - organization, and hierarchical ordering, are called in - variances (ISP 11).
While there may be much in Lear's discussion of irony and psychoanalysis worthy of further examination, the shift in his inquiry turns us away from what is most interesting in Plato, namely, that our capacity for irony, our erotic longing to grasp the ideal, suggests a hierarchical order in reality.
But in any case, it is clear that Whitehead means that there are various levels of «organisms of organisms,» or hierarchical societies, which are to be contrasted with those types of societies which do not have a hierarchical order and hence no overall unity of activity.
However, despite the empire's insistence that papal and imperial power were parallel, the papacy claimed a hierarchical order.
At the same time the divine power both for salvation and for relief from suffering and misfortune is directly available to villagers less and less mediated by the Church hierarchy and the hierarchical order of saints, but more and more mirroring that of the Hindu pantheon.
The hierarchical ordering of nature assures us that the world will not be reduced to sheer chaos every time there is a small breakdown at one level.
Hence reductionism is not overcome by a hierarchical ordering of holons as such.
Radner's hierarchical ordering of love and truth is, frankly, misplaced.
Bloom presented his taxonomy in a hierarchical order; however, often eLearning professionals dismiss lower levels as unworthy, which is a mistake.
In accordance with IOC guidelines, the qualification events have been determined in hierarchical order of qualification, as further explained below; If two surfers of a gender have qualified through the first hierarchical order, that NOC will not be able to qualify more surfers of that gender through qualifying events lower in hierarchical order.
«The point,» he writes, «is to recognize the situation on the ground, to see things for what they are, and importantly not to put a hierarchical order or any kind of historical inevitability on these different approaches, although one must acknowledge the historical arc of which painting is a part.
These communication media allow the spread of images beyond a precise time and without any hierarchical order, mixing up different cultural fields, epochs, styles, and suggestions.
Her non-traditional compositions in these paintings reject any hierarchical order or chronology and inhere a sense of ease and freedom, which is also visible in her use of materials and technique.
For example, in Drug Ziggurat (1993), Paine demonstrates an industrious approach to addressing systems and categories: mind - altering substances stack in a hierarchical order of potency, from a base of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages to a spire of hypodermic needles and opiates.
Characteristic of Elmgreen & Dragset's practice, the exhibition explores both personal and shared cultural identity and memory - and presents them alongside one another, in no hierarchical order.
Unhindered by any hierarchical order of materials, Mason embraced ceramic practice and went on to translate the physicality and intuitive spirit of Abstract Expressionism and other prescient ideas into large - scale clay sculpture.
Emerging in LA's burgeoning art scene in the 1950s, John Mason transcended any hierarchical order of materials to embrace ceramic practice, translating the physicality and intuitive spirit of Abstract Expressionism and other prescient ideas into large - scale clay sculpture.
Artist Christodoulos Panayiotou presented a new version of his lecture - reading, exploring the hierarchical order of literal, metaphorical and symbolic deaths on the stage, as well as the philological concept of «tragic irony», through readings, videos and dance.
Characteristic of Elmgreen & Dragset's practice, the exhibition explores both personal and shared cultural identity and memory — and presents them alongside one another, in no hierarchical order.
The hierarchical order may still exist for ease of organization and reporting relationships as laid out in a chain of command on an organizational chart.
The hierarchical ordering of the items along the continuum followed a logical and expected pattern, and the participants were validly measured by the scale.
This years - long and no doubt expensive navel - gazing and restructuring exercise we see CREA conducting should not be directed at the «real estate business» — registered / licensed practitioners — just aimed at the three hierarchical orders of dues - for - services providers that live off the real estate business in the field.
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