Sentences with phrase «hierarchical view»

A hierarchical view refers to organizing or arranging things in a structured order or hierarchy, where each item or entity is placed in levels or layers according to its importance or relationship with others. It helps understand the arrangement or structure of a system, organization, or information in a clear and organized manner. Full definition
Moreover, their notion of a complementarity leads to an integral and hierarchical view of the contributions of diverse structures to religious understanding.
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Khorus is the only solution that gives CEOs and leaders a hierarchical view of the entire organization to ensure employees are aligned, engaged, and working in harmony to achieve corporate goals.
And a discussion of biological reductionism may be our best access to formulating a defense of the hierarchical view as well as some version of the teleological vision of the cosmos.
We are now both biblical and modern; and on both grounds we reject this medieval Aristotle, this static and hierarchical view, this dubious rendition of faith and reason, this impossible and oppressive ideological system.
(2) And in the hierarchical view symbols «hold together» the level of our human consciousness with the higher level that seeks to comprehend and integrate our consciousness (in its response of faith) into itself.
This view of convergence as something non-random and non-reductionist would seem to be consistent with a hierarchical view of natural being.
«6 In this hierarchical view we shall acknowledge that a higher level may comprehend a lower, but a lower can not comprehend a higher.
I shall propose throughout this book that a hierarchical view of the universe will allow us to clarify how faith and scientific knowledge can coexist and complement each other in our universe.
Researchers still debate the exact organization of the hierarchy, but there is a general consensus around the hierarchical view of intelligence.
The hierarchical view of intelligence received a strong boost from a landmark review of the published data collected over the course of 60 years from some 130,000 people around the world.
That massive review, performed by the late University of North Carolina scholar John Carroll, concluded that the hierarchical view best fits the data.
From the moment they enter law school lawyers have a hierarchical view of the profession in which judges are «above» and somehow «the boss of» lawyers — a truly unfortunate misconception that can lead to excessive reticence when it comes to the important duty of improving the administration of justice.
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