Sentences with phrase «high academic bar»

Phoenix teachers embody a high expectations and college - prep mentality, holding all students to an incredibly high academic bar.
As our students excel in Advanced Placement courses, thrive in dual - enrollment classes at local community colleges, and consistently reach an increasingly higher academic bar, they prove that there is no reason for alternative schools to expect anything less from their students than academic excellence.
After all, a major lesson of NCLB is that states will not hold themselves accountable for setting and clearing high academic bars.
In a troubling picture of performance, the vast majority of Illinois students failed to reach the high academic bar on the new state PARCC exams, meaning they weren't on track academically for the next grade level, let alone for college or careers.
«Endrew» argues for a higher academic bar for special education services.
The school sets a high academic bar for students, and believes — given the right tools — all students can achieve success.
The high performing public charter school sets a high academic bar for students, and believes — given the right tools — all students can achieve success.
We know how important quality teaching is in the equation of student success and we look forward to working with TFA and other dedicated educators to build our students» skills and confidence, set a high academic bar, and help guide students and their families through a complex education system.
PARCC, in an attempt to better measure and communicate students» progress toward meeting Colorado's Academic Standards, sets a higher academic bar for proficiency than previous assessments.
We believe that our students» success has shown that alternative schools not only need to challenge their students to reach a high academic bar, but that they must also be held accountable for delivering results on par with public school systems.
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