Sentences with phrase «high amounts of activity»

On the other hand, certain areas, including the dungeons, can look pretty boring and repetitive, and the frame rate occasionally suffers some lag because of high amounts of activity — especially given the high number of in - game characters present.
You don't have to do high amounts of activity or vigorous - intensity activity to reduce your risk of premature death.

Not exact matches

«Is it that lower liquidity is causing volatility to be higher for any given amount of trading activity?
According to The Wall Street Journal, desktop Internet use had its highest active month over the past three years back in March of 2015 with 567 billion total minutes of measured Web activity in the U.S. Not only have we not seen that figure go up over the past year or so, but the amount of time people are spending browsing the Web on their mobile devices is trouncing desktops: more than one trillion minutes in March of this year.
These days, such activity has been discouraged by card issuers, given the higher fees applied to balance transfers (typically 4 % of the transfer amount) and the low rates of return of alternative investments and savings accounts.
«I think there will always be a need for people to identify and review the high priority activities but I do think that a substantial amount of work that is done today that is relatively trainable can be replaced via technology over the coming decade,» Sutton said.
The majority of Dick's Last Resorts are located in high - profile parts of large - market cities, particularly those that attract a significant amount of tourism and convention activity.
This study also confirmed that virgin coconut oil produced with heat produced the highest amounts of antioxidants: «The antioxidant activity in the HEVCO group was 80 - 87 %, 65 - 70 % in CEVCO, and 35 - 45 % in CCO.»
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT 3.5 hours of lacrosse per day: Combining Lacrosse training with an equal amount of High Sierra Camp Activities these players will train in the morning and evening and enjoy a multitude of Outdoor Activities during breaks.
Two of the Purdue studies [36,37] suggested that it might be possible to reduce risk of brain trauma by gradually increasing the amount of contact in the football pre-season to allow time for players» brains to adjust, and one, by finding that players who sustained more than 50 hits per game, were much more likely than those who sustained fewer hits to be «flagged» by ImPACT and / or fMRI results as having neurocognitive deficits or altered brain activity, suggested that players be limited to a certain number of plays per game (a hard rule to implement, given the prevalence of two - way players in the high school game).
While more physical activity seems like it would be better for kids» health, the overall amount of time spent in physical activity was also higher in those athletes in the study who had serious injuries.
State Sen. John DeFrancisco, R - Syracuse and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, advocated for the higher amount for Upstate New York to share in the activity that happens mostly in New York City.
Although lightning activity is higher over the shipping lanes, the amount of rainfall is no different to nearby regions.
The results of this article, part of the European study HELENA involving nine countries, demonstrated that eating larger amounts of egg is neither linked to higher serum cholesterol nor to worse cardiovascular health in adolescents, regardless of their levels of physical activity.
Instead, quite a moderate amount of physical activity was found to be sufficient for memory - protecting benefits, and only the most inactive group of twins stood out with a significantly higher risk for cognitive impairment.
«However, few long - term, high - quality, follow - up studies on physical activity and cognition have been published, and it has remained unclear what type and amount of exercise is needed to safeguard cognition,» Iso - Markku says.
Moreover, replacing sedentariness with light or moderately intensive physical activity also seems to decrease the amount of adipose tissue, but not as much as high - intensity physical activity.
However, tumors produce high amounts of a protein called Transforming Growth Factor - Beta (TGF - β) that suppresses the activity of NK cells.
The results showed that COPD patients who maintained moderate or high levels of exercise over time, which may amount to low intensity activities such as walking for at least three to six kilometers per day, could reduce the likelihood of being hospitalized by severe symptoms.
Thus, high ALKBH1 activity can globally decrease the amount of proteins made in a cell, as the researchers observed in a human cell line with abnormally high levels of ALKBH1.
Naïve T cells then expand and differentiate into effector T lymphocytes that acquire either cytotoxic activity or secrete high amounts of certain cytokines.
Small amounts of physical activity can offer health benefits that protect against insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes and can result from a high - fat diet.
In places with high amounts of shipping and other activity, noise levels have doubled each decade.
In contrast, super-Earths with a similar concentration but larger absolute amount of radioactive heat sources (i.e., uranium and thorium) than Earth would produce more internal heat, more vigorous mantle convection, and faster plate tectonic action involving thinner plates, which may promote planetary habitability with lower mountain ranges but higher volcanic activity and an atmosphere with a greater relative composition of volcanic and lighter gases (Sasselov and Valencia, Scientific American, August 2010; Valencia and O'Connell, 2009; and Valencia et al, 2007).
High in healthy monounsaturated fats, peanut butter offers the perfect amount and form of calories to give you long - lasting energy for all daily activities.
This high - intensity activity will improve your strength and endurance and help you burn more fat than an endless amount of low - intensity exercises.
A study led by Paul T. Williams of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that a brisk walk lowered the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes slightly more than vigorous activities expending the same amount of energy.
Professional football players, for example, would be under the «extremely active» category as their full - time job involves strenuous amounts of high physical activity.
This study also confirmed that virgin coconut oil produced with heat produced the highest amounts of antioxidants: «The antioxidant activity in the HEVCO group was 80 - 87 %, 65 - 70 % in CEVCO, and 35 - 45 % in CCO.»
But it should give doctors more confidence in advising their patients to gradually build up to higher amounts of physical activity if they want to protect themselves from the condition.
Soft tissue containing the highest concentrations of magnesium in the body include the brain and the heart — two organs that produce a large amount of electrical activity, and which can be especially vulnerable to magnesium insufficiency.
Then, match the amount of high - carb veggies to your activity level.
For endurance athletes, however, and many team sport athletes (who may be engaged in long training runs or rides, long practices, etc., and may not have an easy time taking in large amounts of high protein whole food before, during, and after activity), BCAAs can be tremendously useful.
Instead, I just want to ensure that you've got what you need to do things right and avoid body and brain damage if you decide you want to combine a plant - based diet with high amounts of physical activity.
By consuming these foods, you can also lower the amount of hormonal or metabolic stress you may experience when combining fasting with high levels of physical activity.
This is the kind of biological damage you create when you don't sleep enough, especially when you combine lack of sleep with high amounts of physical or mental activity.
Note if consumed more than half an hour before activity, the system will release a large amount of insulin (as activity level will be low but blood sugar high) which will negatively impact performance, so it is critical this be done within a short window of activity start.
In one study on pistachios and antioxidants, pistachios ranked up in the group with the highest amount of antioxidant activity above over 100 other foods.
Each one of us can be responsible for our own health by avoiding junk food in all its disguises, maintaining a moderate amount of physical activity and regulating stress, thereby having a higher quality of life with very low medical costs, reduced disease risk and more productivity.
Since both of these organs require huge amounts of energy, supplementation can often help support their high biologic activity.
I think to eat a lot of carbs («good» or «bad») you have to have the genetics to tolerate them AND a high amount of daily activity.
Having higher Glut - 4 activity can essentially allow your body to handle slightly higher amounts of carbs while maintaining ketosis.
If you have a hard exercise session — if you're lifting weights, if you're engaging in a high amount of endurance activity, this diet is not for you.
Cycling is a low impact activity that can burn a high amount of calories depending on how and where you cycle.
In a 2008 issue of «Food Chemistry,» researchers discovered that although tea made from the bitter melon fruit had a high amount of antioxidants overall, cerassie tea made from the leaves of the bitter melon plant had greater antioxidant activity.
Congeners, which are found in especially high amounts in dark colored liquors like brandy, wine, dark tequila, and whiskey are comprised of free radicals and positively charged molecules that can significantly disrupt your acid - alkaline (pH) balance and increase your body's need to step up antioxidant activity to scavenge all those free radicals.
Stress hormones calm down during slow breathing (like # 2 sleep below) and activities that promote the release of acetycholine, which is the opposing hormone to cortisol and has been found in high amounts in calm professions such as monks and clergy.
Actively growing tissues require high amounts of oxygen to be delivered in order to maintain their high metabolic activity.
Any leisure - time physical activity was associated with higher intakes of plain and total water; higher average activity on a typical day was a correlate of a higher amount of moisture from beverages and total water.
Your muscles demand higher amounts of oxygen while exercising, so it's important to make this oxygen more available through a warm - up activity.
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