Sentences with phrase «high amounts of potassium»

It contains high amounts of potassium which help soften your arteries and blood vessels.
By contrast, higher amounts of potassium improved health in these areas as well as overall cardiovascular health.
Coconut water and bananas contain high amounts of potassium to help regulate and maintain healthy cells and their natural production of energy.
Winter Squash: The brightly - colored flesh of these vegetables contains several B vitamins, as well as high amounts of potassium and vitamins A and C. Roast varieties such as butternut, spaghetti, and acorn to maximize their sweet and nutty flavors.
Dandelion Greens — Long known as a blood purifier and digestive stimulant, dandelion contains high amounts of potassium, which restores mineral balance in the kidneys as toxins are flushed out.
With its high amounts of potassium and healthy fats, it will definitely help you reach that energy level you need.
They are rich in Vitamin E and contain high amounts of Potassium.
Pistachios contain the highest amount of potassium of any nut, important for muscle recovery, nerve function, and the regulation of blood pressure.
They also have a high fiber content, and a high amount of potassium, magnesium and iron
Parpia noted that on average, the higher amount of potassium contained in the sodium - reduced meat and poultry products was equivalent to an extra serving of a high - potassium food.
The researchers found a correlation between high blood pressure and higher salt intake, even in people who were eating a high amount of potassium and other nutrients.
The high amount of potassium found in bananas can help you prevent muscle cramps during a strenuous workout.
Plus, tomatoes contain high amounts of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.
In comparison to standard sports drinks, coconut water has less sodium, fewer calories and higher amounts of potassium.
Fruits and vegetables provide some of the highest amounts of potassium, but they also have carbohydrates.
As far as health benefits go, bananas are well known for their high amount of potassium.
Dandelion Greens — Long known as a blood purifier and digestive stimulant, dandelion contains high amounts of potassium, which restores mineral balance in the kidneys as toxins are flushed out.
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