Sentences with phrase «high beta stocks»

What's behind the performance of high beta stocks?
All five major indices closed well in the black with higher beta stocks showing the most strength.
High beta stocks carry higher risks, similarly options trading is more risky than stocks trading.
Explore differences between accessing high beta stocks with either mutual funds or ETFs, as well as the best options for long - term holds and trading.
High beta stocks tend to have bigger gains during bull markets and bigger losses during bear markets.
I follow high beta stocks which falls more than the rest.
When this group is richly valued - as it is now - high beta stocks underperform the market by an incredible 28.5 percent.
The factor portfolio that goes long in low beta stocks and short in high beta stocks carries with it a substantial negative net beta, which contributes to the volatility of the factor.8
Grice shows that over long periods of time low beta stocks outperform high beta stocks due in part to this:
My point was that if you select high beta stocks during a bull market you should expect to outperform the averages, and likewise, when the market turns down you should expect to underperform significantly.
High beta stocks rally more than the broad stock index in a bull market.
James Simons likely points to high beta stocks when asked.
The strong quarterly performance of high beta stocks makes sense when you consider that high beta can outpace low volatility during periods of rising 10 - year Treasury yields and stronger economic growth, when investor demand for defensive stocks may ease.
GMO's Investment Strategist Jeremy Grantham has noted that high beta stocks underperform the market during bear markets (suffering a peak to trough real return of -9 percent).
Conversely, if you are seeking potentially higher returns in exchange for higher risk, higher beta stocks may generally be a good match.
S&P GIVI is a multi-factor global index which provides exposure to low volatility and the value factors by removing 30 % of the highest beta stocks Read more -LSB-...]
When I read about Beta, I wonder about just buying and holding the highest Beta stocks on earth for the long run.
Of course, the same holds true for when the market is down 1 %, a high beta stock will be down more than 1 %, while a low beta should be down less than 1 %.
This also means that a high beta stock will fall more than the index when the broad market goes down.
In sectors, financials and energy were weak — high beta stocks that have done well since Trump's election.
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