Sentences with phrase «high blood calcium levels»

Vitamin D supplementation is not recommended for individuals with high blood calcium levels.
Older cats often suffer from high blood calcium levels and less calcium is recommended not more.
Addison's disease in dogs or acromegaly in cats can also cause high blood calcium levels.
When your pet's blood albumin level is normal, the most common cause for abnormally high blood calcium level is a tumor (cancer, malignancy)(due to a paraneoplastic syndrome = PNS (ref)-RRB-.
Sudden or Acute Kidney Disease can also be responsible for high blood calcium levels.
If a tumor develops on the gland, it might produce too much PTH, resulting in high blood calcium levels affecting the dog's kidneys, central nervous system and his heart.
Vitamin D overdosing may cause high blood calcium levels, leading to poor appetite, nausea and vomiting.
Toxicity is caused by having too much vitamin D in the system, which can lead to a condition called hypercalcemia (as a result of high blood calcium levels).
Veterinarians see more cases of abnormally high blood calcium levels than low blood calcium levels (about 60 % of those with abnormal calcium numbers are above normal).
Noting however, that people, particularly those with kidney stones, kidney disease, high blood calcium levels, gastrointestinal disease or who are at risk for heart disease, should seek medical device before taking supplements.
High blood calcium levels are associated with hardening of the arteries, which could also help to explain these results.
This 1986 study found that a diabetic patient group consisting of 48 men and 44 women had higher blood calcium levels than average.
This study on Newfoundland residents found that higher blood calcium levels were correlated with greater insulin resistance and higher blood glucose levels.
If your rabbit is experiencing a high blood calcium level, it is often best to recheck it after removing high digestible calcium sources from the diet for 24 hours for a more accurate reading.
High blood calcium levels have been reported to cause increased urination, perhaps through its ability to interfere with the action of antidiuretic hormone (ADH, AVP, vasopressin) released by your pet's pituitary gland.
Higher than normal blood albumin levels have the ability to cause higher blood calcium levels.
High blood calcium levels are also occasionally seen in pets that are infected with some rare fungal diseases (blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, and coccidioidomycosis) and other infections that cause granulomas.
High blood calcium levels can also be found in dogs that consume the artificial sweetener Xylitol (specific ref)
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