Sentences with phrase «high calcium levels»

If the problem is because of either low potassium or high calcium levels in the blood, then increasing potassium or decreasing calcium will help balance things out.
But along with concerns about dangerously high calcium levels, high - dose vitamin D supplementation has also been associated with increased risks of fractures, falls and kidney stones.
Other cats with high calcium levels do have one of the problems that leads to it.
No instances of excessively high calcium levels or renal stones were seen, and serious adverse events were evenly distributed between participants taking vitamin D and those on placebo.
Because high calcium levels affect so many bodily functions, dogs might also experience vomiting, constipation and appetite loss.
It's also used to help treat some forms of cancer, various skin diseases, shock following trauma, neurological disorders, arthritis, and high calcium levels in the blood.
The dangerously high calcium levels were actually more lethal than the cancer.
An investigation conducted on 113 dogs suggests the presence of hypercalcemia (presence of high calcium levels in the blood) in approximately 27 % of cases.
Gallium is already used to treat high calcium levels in the blood caused by cancer, he notes, and that could speed its course through drug trials.
High calcium levels trigger a series of reactions that break down cell proteins known as microtubules (My - kro - TOOB - yuhlz).
Rat bait containing cholecalciferol (Vitamin D) causes high calcium levels in the blood and can damage the kidneys, central nervous system, heart, and intestines.
Ingestion of these topical creams can be deadly — and costly — to dogs and cats, as it results in a life - threateningly high calcium level in the body.
Most commonly, increased drinking and urinating are seen in patients with high calcium levels.
Another potential cause is hyperlipidemia, or high fat levels in the blood or hypercalcemia, high calcium levels in the blood.
- combats stress; - promotes healthy skin; - stabilizes blood sugar levels; - promotes bone healthy (due to it's high calcium level); and - is really high in potassium which is known for lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Check labels on foods you already buy and choose those that have higher calcium levels.
If you have kidney disease, a high calcium level, kidney stones or heart disease speak to your doctor before taking supplements.
Calcium: Maca Root has higher calcium levels than in milk; vital for the nerves and circulatory system and the formation of bones and heart.
- combats stress; - promotes healthy skin; - stabilizes blood sugar levels; - promotes bone healthy (due to it's high calcium level); and - is really high in potassium which is known for lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure.
It is, however, an ingredient that promotes strong bones thanks to the high calcium level in this kind of meal.
Non dietary predisposing factor for pancreatitis include being a miniature schnauzer, a Himalayan cat or a Shetland sheepdog, chronic corticosteroid use, having high triglyceride and / or cholesterol levels in the blood stream, having hyperadrenocorticism or hyperparathyroidism (due to high calcium levels) or being obese.
High calcium levels (paraneoplastic hypercalcemia) are seen in approximately 25 % of patients with AGA.
The new big breed puppy foods have higher calcium levels than adult dog foods.
In some patients, the only symptoms noted are related to a high calcium level.
We took her to our Vet on Wednesday and following blood work determined that she had high calcium levels and marginal phosphorus and kidney function markers.
Some pets with mammary cancer will have a high calcium level on this panel.
The UNCONTROLLED feeding of a pelleted diet can lead to obesity, heart and liver disease, chronic diarrhea, and kidney disease, which results from high concentration of carbohydrates, low fiber and high calcium levels.
I even have reservations about them used totally as a cancer diet due to the high calcium levels.
High calcium levels, high vitamin D, low vitamin A, dietary protein levels and even aflatoxin ingestion can all slowly work together to damage your bird's kidneys.
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