Sentences with phrase «high calorie snacks»

Adding high calorie snacks to their day is a great way to pack on the pounds.
Negative thoughts feed on stress and stress feeds on high calorie snacks so you need to have some way of de-stressing, whether it's taking time out for meditating, yoga or a massage by your partner.
Breakfast skippers tend to weigh more and have other unhealthy habits like drinking too many sugary beverages and eating high calorie snacks.
You'll nibble less on high calorie snacks during the day!
Pet parents love to indulge their pups with a few extra treats, but often worry about packing on extra unhealthy weight from high calorie snacks.
It's OK to indulge from time to time, but be careful with the high calorie snacks!
You should be eating about twice as much omega - 6 as omega - 3, so that your omega - 6 to omega - 3 ratio is 2:1, but in today's world of fast food, frozen entrees, and high calorie snacks, it is not uncommon for most people to actually be getting about 15 times more omega - 6 than omega - 3.
How to Break the High Calorie Snack Habit
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