Sentences with phrase «high casualty rates»

Its appearance on the battlefield requires immediately engagement by all nearby units, with high casualty rates reported for both human and Chimeran forces.
Dogs also suffered high casualty rates too as their excellent sensitivity to smell meant that they were employed to search for mines and trip - wires, commonly resulting in injury or death from resulting explosions.
By the end of the four - year conflict, the first in which aviation played a major role, the RAF had 27,000 officers and 260,000 other personnel operating more than 22,000 aircraft, but had seen high casualty rates.
The strength of the Afghan security forces has declined sharply over the past 12 months, a US government watchdog has said, amid reports of desertions and high casualty rates.
Vietnam was raging, and he was quickly assigned to a unit with a high casualty rate.
He had joined the army as a boy soldier, and his Gloucester regiment had sustained one of the highest casualty rates at the time.
(There is a high casualty rate in this movie, involving more than just anonymous thugs or soldiers, which is something to consider if you're planning a family outing to the multiplex.)
The high casualty rate from the indiscriminate use of drones in civilian areas and use for extrajudicial executions.

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Given the risk of early stage investing and venture capital's famously high mortality rate of portfolio companies, it is imperative that fund managers earn high return multiples at these more modest M&A exit values to offset casualties and drive attractive returns.
These advances, combined with enhanced protective gear, helped produce the highest U.S. combat survival rates in history: Today less than 10 percent of combat casualties die from their wounds, compared with 19 percent in World War II and 16 percent in Vietnam.
Even compared with the casualties of the Black Death, the mortality rate was extraordinarily high.
The practice has since been discredited by many as a costly failure, but that doesn't detract from the bravery of the men who flew repeated missions in the knowledge that casualty rates were high.
The casualty rate of more than 64 % was higher than that of any other nation engaged and Australia's highest in any war.
Our study uses a false alarm rate for tornadoes as a control variable in a model to estimate casualties and we find that an increase in the false alarm rate does translate to higher casualties.
Similarly, consequences of not insuring your car would render high rates to you in event that a large casualty results from an accident.
While their property and casualty is highly ranked, their life insurance (issued by New World Life Insurance Company) rates are higher than many of the other top companies we reviewed in 2018.
However, a man or woman can have all these attributes and remain a poor earner or worse, become a casualty of the real estate wars — which begs the question, why the high mortality rate within the profession?
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