Sentences with phrase «high certainty»

With traditional game mechanics there's plenty of room for subjective taste, but I can at least say with high certainty when something actually works and works well.
We would like to share with our community high certainty of work plan.
This creates a problem, as there is no accepted diagnostic test designed to predict with high certainty which dogs will develop debilitating hip dysplasia that will require surgery.
If we want to understand methane (and greenhouse gas) emissions with high certainty sufficient for regulation, we would need an expanded network of observations.
Few predictions of the future can be made with such high certainty.
The first part stated with higher certainty that climate change is caused by our emissions.
One camp has as high a certainty as can reasonably be expected (though always tentative and never 100 % perfect), using methods that are designed to encourage testing and minimize (though not eliminate) error.
Using miR - 192 levels in the cells, the investigators were able to differentiate with very high certainty between normal and chronically inflamed pancreas tissue as well as between healthy pancreas tissue and pancreatic cancer.
So, for example, a learner might provide a correct answer with an indicated high certainty that they are correct, which would demonstrate that they are sufficiently knowledgeable and confidently so, while a correct or incorrect answer with lower certainty would demonstrate a recognition that further learning is required.
ENVIRONMENTALISTS, those concerned about reducing harm to people and the earth, follow «THE MEDICAL MODEL» of avoiding false negatives (acting as if there is no problem, when indeed there is); that is, they do not need high certainty of a problem to start addressing it.
Stabilizing CO2 equivalent concentrations at 450 ppm would only result in a 50 % likelihood of limiting global warming to 2 °C, and that it would be necessary to achieve stabilisation below 400 ppm to give a relatively high certainty of not exceeding 2 °C.
Now, we have a rather high certainty that El Nino will continue throughout at least the next 4 - 6 months.
«It's predicting high workload with very high certainty, and, yup, number three just dropped off,» he says over my shoulder.
Secondly, there has been a tendency in the media to conflate and mix topics with high certainty with areas of considerable uncertainty.
Instead, I focused on building a California municipal bond portfolio for low risk and high certainty.
But Daley says his study shows «with very, very high certainty that the first Hwang line was in fact also the world's first parthenogenetic line.»
This is a B recommendation, indicating that there is high certainty that the net benefit is moderate, or there is moderate certainty that the net benefit is moderate to substantial.
In fact, experimenters working with the two biggest particle detectors fed by the LHC — massive devices called ATLAS and CMS — have already shown with high certainty that the Higgs boson has zero spin and even parity.
The USPSTF concludes with high certainty that the net benefit of screening for syphilis infection in nonpregnant persons who are at increased risk for infection is substantial.
This is an A recommendation, indicating that the USPSTF recommends the screening and that there is high certainty that the net benefit is substantial.
The use of Ig / TCR clonality assessment is a tool for diagnosing malignant lymphoma with high certainty, but monoclonality is not always equal malignancy.
A learner providing an incorrect answer with a high certainty of their being correct, meanwhile, is a red flag.
Criteria for inclusion define companies that have a high certainty of growth, resulting from reinvestment of cash flows and which do not require significant leverage to generate returns.
While there are no safe investments, you can make investments safer by understanding the risks involved and avoiding those assets with a high certainty of risk.
With bonds you can make a little with high certainty, or lose a lot with low certainty.
You may want to consider changes in your portfolio if you can exchange your current holdings — after consideration of taxes, if any — for ones that offer a higher expected return or a higher certainty of obtaining generally the same return as an existing holding.
They remained silent when the SPM claimed, with high certainty, they knew what was going on with the climate.
In an era when bank savings and interest rates produce low returns, solar can be a very attractive investment given the high certainty that you will continue to need to use power into the future.
Thus, if impacted, evidence on the impact of climate change in high latitudes should tell us, with a high certainty, much about the consequence and the magnitude of global warming.
We know with high certainty that the rise in atmospheric CO2 is not a natural phenomenon and is 100 % anthropogenic (at least since 1959).
Analysis bridges differences between various climate change models to predict North American climate change with high certainty.
While a good number of fintech companies are capitalizing on smart contracts through the Ethereum blockchain, Da Hongfei, co-founder and CEO of NEO, says its technology shows better promise in terms of high certainty, high scalability, and better compatibility across applications.
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