Sentences with phrase «high climate sensitivity»

I'd have to look more into why the thermal inertia is greater in models with higher climate sensitivity than in models with lower climate sensitivity.
The possibility of higher climate sensitivity to CO2 in the face of inevitable increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration should be considered within the framework of climate adaptation policy.
Low, central and high estimates for, respectively, low, median, and high climate sensitivity scenarios.
The scare story about methane is based on an imaginary 72 times higher climate sensitivity than CO2.
On the other hand — to be fair — evidence for higher climate sensitivity does not disprove estimates of lower sensitivity.
In the report, they find reasons to dismiss the many studies and varying approaches that arrive at higher climate sensitivity estimates, and fail to discuss the shortcomings of the lower sensitivity studies that they prefer.
On the other hand, in the SMEs with relatively high climate sensitivity (about 4 — 10 K), or the SMEs with relatively low climate sensitivity (about 2 — 3 K) compared to the studies in the literature, SW and LW radiation and cloud radiative forcing are not reliable.
«Observational Constraints on Mixed - Phase Clouds Imply Higher Climate Sensitivity
The Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum, about 55 million years ago, also points to similarly high climate sensitivity.
Hansen's model assumed a rather high climate sensitivity of 4.2 °C for a doubling of CO2.
Regardless, there have been more than 20 studies published since 2011 on this matter, and the ignored studies, for the most part, find higher climate sensitivity than found by the studies highlighted by the authors.
«Thus it appears that the Pinatubo cooling favours high climate sensitivity,» say Hansen and his colleagues in a study for a forthcoming issue of the journal National Geographic Research and Exploration.
Steve McIntyre shows the impact of lower climate sensitivity (Guy 1938) vs higher climate sensitivity in Guy Callendar vs the GCMs
1) How certain are you that a weaker than expected hotspot would lead to a slightly higher climate sensitivity?
The calculated impact, based on IPCC assumptions, is likely to be on the high side, in view of the very high climate sensitivity assumed for the calculation (the actual temperature / CO2 record shows us it is high by a factor of 2 to 4).
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