Sentences with phrase «high conflict situations where»

However, U.S. Senator Will Brownsberger recently explained why the House - passed shared parenting legislation may not be a solution in cases of high conflict situations where the concept may not be feasible.

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Where laws and / or regulations do not exist or are in conflict with generally accepted best practice, suppliers should adopt the highest standard applicable to their situation by reference to leading safety standards such as the Global Food Safety Initiative and Global G.A.P. McCormick expects that all agricultural suppliers will take steps to ensure that agricultural products can be traced back to their source of origin regardless of whether or not this is legally required.
GTP first focused primarily on using geospatial technologies in situations of conflict, such as the Eyes on Darfur project, where high - resolution satellite imagery was used to provide evidence of the destruction of villages and displacement of persons in Sudan.
Just a week ago, Parent Herald reported about U.S. Senator William Brownsberger's (D - Belmont) stand on shared parenting law, where he explained that the bill may not be the best option for high conflict situations.
In situations where parents have a history of high conflict, CRC can arrange for private neutral drop - off and pick - up or offer convenient and continuous supervised access (visitation) time.
These cases would include situations where there is sexual abuse of children, violence against the mother, or such high conflict between the parents that continued contact is toxic for the child.
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