Sentences with phrase «high connectivity between»

About half the participants had heightened brain activity in the two regions and high connectivity between the two regions.

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There are significant parallels between water and electricity infrastructure in the 20th century and high bandwidth internet connectivity in the 21st century, with both exhibiting the type of network externality problems that lead to under - investment by the private sector.
The INDS is a network distribution package that helps end users achieve secure, high - capacity connectivity between the control room and throughout the plant floor.
Extending the sample across the border, a University of Arizona team has established a high degree of connectivity between Arizona's and Mexico's black bears.
In their recent PNAS paper members of the Imperial College team reported that the presence of LSD was linked to a boost in blood flow and functional connectivity between the brain's primary visual cortex and seemingly unrelated brain networks that mediate other sensory inputs as well as higher - level processes including emotion.
Although there is no formal connection between Google and Gig.U, Kohn says she would welcome Google's involvement with the project, which is being led by Blair Levin, who headed development of the National Broadband Plan and has stressed the importance of test beds for high - speed connectivity.
When the goal was to increase functional connectivity, a monetary reward was given on trials with high temporal correlation between the two relevant brain activities was detected.
Differentially connected genes are genes with the highest amount of differential connectivity between human and mouse, these are genes with non-conserved expression patterns.
Seed - based connectivity analyses were conducted to assess differences between groups in 3 default mode network (DMN) components (anterior, posterior, and ventral) and 4 additional non-DMN networks: left and right executive - control, language, and higher visual networks.
Goodness - of - fit analysis of each connectivity map with network templates showed the highest correspondence between the early - onset AD seed connectivity map and anterior salience and right executive - control networks, the logopenic aphasia seed connectivity map and the language network, and the posterior cortical atrophy seed connectivity map and the higher visual network.
Previous research suggests that hypnosis is associated with decreased default mode network (DMN) activity and that high hypnotizability is associated with greater functional connectivity between the executive control network (ECN) and the salience network (SN).
I love that, I'm all for high levels of connectivity between films, they've always had it, but I'm all for more, as long as it is handled properly.
MILLER»S GIRL by Jade Bartlett The story of a young precocious writer who becomes involved with her high school creative writing teacher in a dark coming - of - age drama that explores the often blurred lines of connectivity between professor and protege, child and adult.
Now that most American schools have basic hardware and connectivity, there is a sharp socioeconomic division between those that have savvy tech professionals and the high - speed connections that can support WiFi - dependent tablets or laptops, and those that lack these basic internal support structures for individual student devices, let alone the funds to purchase them for all students.
The intent of the Teaching, Leading, & Learning Collaborative is to emphasize the critical connectivity between standards implementation and the teacher and leader talent pipeline required to provide high quality instruction to each student, and to support states as they identify and take act
Between Bluetooth wireless connectivity, active noise canceling, and high - end audio drivers, it's not hard to see why they carry a slightly elevated price tag.
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