Sentences with phrase «high diversity»

The vegetation in the area displays high diversity, and includes numerous species near the southern limit of their range.
And what we found is that, in patients who responded to the treatment, they actually had a much higher diversity of bacteria in their gut microbiomes compared to non-responders.»
The areas with highest diversity in languages are the biodiversity hotspots of the East Melanesian islands, the Guinean forests in West Africa, Indo - Burma, Wallacea, and Mesoamerica.
It seems that these groups have a much higher diversity of microbial partners (a known correlate with better health) than do people living in industrialized societies.
The discovery of one of the oldest penguin fossils in the world reveals higher diversity of early penguins than previously assumed.
In Romania, a weed survey in maize fields showed a significantly higher diversity of weed species in the organic maize field.
High diversity means the cancer has many pathways for outsmarting treatment efforts.
New «bone - head» dinosaur hints at higher diversity of small dinosaurs.»
We need a theory and historical examination of the growth of the actual economic web and of whether, in a supracritical economy, a sufficiently high diversity of the web autocatalytically drives its own growth.
And models of evolutionary search, starting with the «genetic algorithms» of John Holland, also at Michigan, suggest higher diversity per se makes it easier to find paths to new fitness peaks.
In grasslands, growing plants in higher diversity fields may help alleviate the negative impacts of flooding.
The soil beneath species grown in high diversity mixtures was more porous than below monocultures, allowing water to drain faster and maintaining higher levels of oxygen.
A remarkably high diversity of the wingless long - horned beetles in the mountains of northern Borneo is reported by three Czech researchers from the Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
The team of researchers selected a large number of plant species from a very high diversity shrubland in south - western Australia, and exposed plants from each of these species to soil biota collected either from either the rooting zone of plants of its own species or from that of other species.
The RAM 2500 offers high diversity with ten available grades starting from entry level Tradesman and finishing at top Laramie Limited.
Known for stunningly clear waters and high diversity PSV is an ideal location to join the team and continue the exploration.
Lady Elliot Island has the second highest diversity of bird species on the Great Barrier Reef and there are 105 different species of seabirds, land birds and shorebirds who choose this island 80kms off Bundaberg to nest.
The models» vertical distribution of OA shows an even higher diversity, spanning more than an order of magnitude.
Not only is there a much higher diversity of microbes under the seafloor than originally thought, large and active populations exist much deeper in the sediments than was believed, the team reports 21 July in Nature.
For example, lower diversity of the gut microbiome has been associated with obesity and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and higher diversity in the vagina with bacterial vaginosis.
Home to one of the world's highest diversities of life, Peru's cloud forest contains a fascinating number of species, such as humming birds, capuchin monkeys, colorful butterflies, woolly monkeys, and orchids.
The Yantabulla Swamp is a mosaic of channels, floodways and wetlands within the Cuttaburra Creek system, that consistently supports large numbers and a high diversity of waterbirds and when flooding provides breeding sites for ducks and colonial waterbirds.
The more complex overstory (and thus shade) in a coffee plantation, the higher the diversity.
Since organic farms are mostly mixed farms, integrating animal husbandry with crop production, using vast and diverse rotations, intercrops and green cover crops, and maintaining soil fertility by cultivating nitrogen fixing legumes, they display a higher diversity of domesticated species than conventional farms.
In several investigations of on - farm sites as well as in plot trials, a higher diversity and abundance of arthropods was found in organic and biodynamic plots compared to conventional plots (see Table 4).
In several investigations of on - farm sites as well as in plot trials, a higher diversity and abundance of arthropods was found in organic and biodynamic plots compared to conventional plots.
Due to the high diversity level, video monitors can be divided into a few subclasses, mainly based on price and features.
The limestone - dominated bedrock in the region supports a high diversity of plant and animal life; more than 500 species of rare plants and 50 butterfly species have been observed at the sanctuary, along with a broad variety of birds and mammals.
A high diversity of microbial communities in the water could also reduce the potential for infection, according to earlier investigations conducted by UFZ researchers and published in Current Biology.
«The high diversity found within the [TcI] strain may challenge vaccine development and treatment improvement, if the genetically different strains respond differently to particular medication.»
In other words, the higher diversity detected in parks before the storm was absent from post-storm samples.
Specifically, communities that had high diversity were able to shift to different fisheries after 1989, and some even increased their revenue streams by leveraging new and emerging fish markets.
Armed conflict has kept developers out of these forests, resulting in vast swathes of intact rainforest and a high diversity of frogs.
The northwest of Madagascar in particular is a global marine biodiversity hotspot, exhibiting some of the highest diversity of coral reef ecosystems in the world.
«It is unknown what the physiological effects of the parasites are on the bats, but the high diversity of parasites as well as the high proportion of individuals that are infected with the parasites suggest that this may be yet another example of the unusually high tolerance of these flying mammals for pathogens,» said co-author Juliane Schaer, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology and the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin.
Looking at 250 samples in the lab (116 from cotton swabs of the conjunctiva, 114 from cotton swabs of skin under the eye, and 20 contact lenses), researchers found a higher diversity of bacteria on the ocular surface than on the skin under the eye or on the contact lenses, which was a surprising result, Dominguez - Bello said.
Furthermore, cubs had a higher diversity of parasite species than older animals.
The researchers were unsure whether the high diversity of leaf miners at Mexican Hat compared to other early Paleocene sites, where there is little or no leaf mining, was caused by insects that survived the extinction event in refugia — areas where organisms persist during adverse conditions — or were due to range expansions of insects from somewhere else during the early Paleocene.
Several studies have shown that BV is linked to a 1.5-fold increased risk of HIV, and a recent South African study showed that women with «high diversity» bacterial communities had a fourfold increase in their odds of acquiring HIV.
Insect outbreaks are associated with a rapid population increase of a single insect species, so the high diversity of mining damage seen in the Mexican Hat fossils makes the possibility of an outbreak improbable.
«The unique species composition, high diversity and relatively intact forest structure underscore the importance of strengthening ongoing and future conservation measures at Ton Pariwat Wildlife Sanctuary, as a key element of wider conservation efforts in southern Thailand,» adds Dr. Strijk.
The comparative analysis between the genomes also enabled researchers to uncover a high diversity of genes that: 1) allow the fungi to produce secondary metabolites, compounds that may be useful for applications such as crop protection; and 2) enable the fungi to tolerate stress.
In addition to the high diversity of endemic species, plants and animals that are abundant in Okinawa's corals, the area is also the site of the confluence of two major currents in the Pacific Ocean.
The angiosperm family Rubiaceae contains the highest diversity of ant plants, and the new study focused on those in the subtribe Hydnophytinae, of which some 100 species are found in southeast Asia and Australasia.
The more goods and services that exist, the higher the diversity of the economic web and the faster the creation of new economic niches.
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