Sentences with phrase «high fiber content does»

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It doesn't have much fiber in it, and the sugar alcohol content is high, but it's a good option if your sole purpose is to get more protein in your diet.
Although it does contain some sugar — 6 grams to be exact — it's not a problem because the protein and fiber content is so high.
Lighter recipes are much easier on my tummy, not to mention less heavy, but the cool thing is you don't feel like you're missing out on anything due to the texture and high - fiber content that pumpkin provides.
Avoid milk products and fatty, high - fiber, or very sweet foods until the diarrhea eases, and don't drink sports drinks or soft drinks — although they contain electrolytes, their high sugar content can make diarrhea worse.
But it can do so much more, like help you beat bloat and lose weight, thanks to its diurectic properties and high fiber content.
Furthermore, the high fiber content slows the breakdown of the sugar, meaning you will not get rapid blood sugar spikes the way you do with the simple sugars in candy.
The high fiber content of this recipe will do the trick... Just be sure to drink plenty of water to help move things along!
After being ingested, its high non-soluble fiber content doesn't get absorbed in the small intestine, passing right through to the large intestine, where it is partially broken down by normal bacterial flora.
However, we have to make sure that there's no soy protein, and also, if the fiber content is super high, it doesn't matter if the total carb amount is over 30 grams, as long as the ratio of fiber to total carbs is very high (at least 25 % or more fiber content of total carbs)
Did you forget the part of the AHA study that reads» In contrast, many soy products should be beneficial to cardiovascular and overall health because of their high content of polyunsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals and low content of saturated fat.».
This has to do with the high fiber content.
However, a high - quality dark chocolate with at least a 70 % cocoa content, when eaten in moderation, does the body good by providing magnesium, copper, manganese, fiber, iron, and other minerals.
This pattern of findings can potentially be explained by the high fiber content of these two diets, which may have impeded calcium absorption.22 Nonetheless, the substantial increase in urinary phosphorus excretion with the combination diet suggests that the subjects in this group did consume more dairy products than the other participants.
Although it does contain some sugar — 6 grams to be exact — it's not a problem because the protein and fiber content is so high.
Not only do lentils help lower cholesterol, they are of special benefit in managing blood - sugar disorders since their high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising rapidly after a meal.
Fresh greens don't have the high - fiber cellulose content that makes hay indigestible for omnivorous rodents, so sprouted wheatgrass can be sold for both omnivores and herbivores.
Do this by only gradually increasing the amount of the dog food with a high fiber content before serving them in full or the normal amount.
One of the biggest benefits of raspberries is their high fiber content, which helps keep their digestive system healthy the same way that it does ours.
It's low in calories, so combined with its high fiber content, it's a great option for dogs on a diet who don't feel like they're getting full off of their regular food.
Some dogs do better with a lower or higher fat content than average, some need more or less fiber to produce consistent stools, and some dogs thrive on poultry - based foods while others can not tolerate them and need a different protein source.
As long as you choose a quality source of fiber, high - fiber dog food may actually do the opposite, as «high fiber content will absorb the excess water that is generated from the loose stool of an agitated colon».
Many vets will recommend a high fiber diet to attempt to firm up the soft stools that commercial dog foods can create... but a raw diet that includes bone content will do it much more effectively.
However, if you feel you can't afford to maintain a hydrolyzed diet for the long - haul (they can be pricey), but you do feel your pup needs a long - term change, buy dog foods that swap out grains with high - quality proteins like venison and duck (instead of beef and chicken), complex carbohydrates, and fibers from vegetables; avoid ones with fillers, high fat content, and low - quality ingredients like corn and soy.
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