Sentences with phrase «high fiber content means»

High sugar content in your food usually means the opposite of what high fiber content means, which is that you're probably eating a simple carb, which means very quick digestion and a bad effect on our blood insulin levels.

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Because of its high protein nutritional quality — quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it has all 10 essential amino acids — and high fiber content — just one cup of cooked quinoa contains 5 grams of satiating fiber — having it for breakfast will help to arm your body with the tools it needs to get through the day.
This clean ingredient profile just means the peanut powder is higher in protein, fiber, and nutrients than peanut butter with a higher fat content and peanut powder is easier to digest (at least for me).
Furthermore, the high fiber content slows the breakdown of the sugar, meaning you will not get rapid blood sugar spikes the way you do with the simple sugars in candy.
This, combined with their high fiber content, means chia seeds will keep hunger at bay and help you lose weight fast.
Their high fiber content makes them «slow burning» in our systems, meaning that our bodies can use them more slowly and efficiently for energy than a lower fiber carbohydrate.
Industrial Hemp is not smokeable (its THC content is way to low) it's a great energy crop for making ethanol, biodiesel and plastics (or just use the hemp fibers outright), its only disadvantage is that it looks just like the hemp meant for getting high.
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