Sentences with phrase «high fiber intake»

Increased water intake, along with higher fiber intake, will usually eliminate this problem.
This may help explain why high fiber intake is associated with reduced breast cancer risk.
High fiber intake reduces the risk of developing obesity by increasing the bulk of a meal without yielding much energy.
With this starting point in mind, the media and the mainstream medical community started to recommend higher fiber intakes to ward off the development of colon cancer.
If you listen to Dr. Greger's argument in the video between 2:05 and 2:11, he is arguing that the waste excretion is rate limited and therefore increasing bulk flow through higher fiber intake will help this process along.
A number of explanations are possible, like less nicotine dependence for those who eat lots of vegetables and fruit or the fact that higher fiber intake from vegetables and fruit make people feel fuller.
High fiber intake further removes sex hormones from the body courtesy of increased gut transit time and decrease in the enterohepatic circulation.
Epidemiological studies of «pre-technological» (no electricity, gasoline, air - conditioning, grocery stores...) societies demonstrate that while those populations may have volvulus, they have no diverticulosis — due to their very high fiber intake (100 - 300 grams / day) according to the work of Burkitt (of Burkitt's lymphoma) or S B Eaton of Emory U. («Stone - agers in the Fast Lane» Am J of Med 1988).
Is this just my getting used to thr much higher fiber intake?
Dr. Slavin noted that there are fairly consistent findings that higher fiber intakes tend to be linked with lower body mass indexes.
Higher fiber intake increases satiety, which in turn may reduce total energy intake and prevent weight gain [3 — 7].
Although between country studies generally show a protective effect of high fiber intake (Boyle et al., 1985), this is not true for within country studies.
I would like to see research about the capacity of the body to expell fatty wastes through higher fiber intake.
Thus a high fiber intake is highly recommended to help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Years of research show that high fiber intake is related to lower testosterone levels, mainly because the fiber causes more testosterone to be excreted from the body.
Additionally, a higher fiber intake is good for a healthy digestive system.
High fiber intake to help appetite control and glycemic control (maintaining more balanced blood sugar) 6.
According to the Department of Internal Medicine and Nutritional Sciences Program of the University of Kentucky, high fiber intakes are associated with significantly lower risks of developing coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and certain gastrointestinal diseases (25).
A study confirmed that vegetarian women have lower levels of estradiol and therefore presumably a lower breast cancer risk due to higher fiber intake, which helps the body eliminate excess estrogen.
Several observational studies have shown that a high fiber intake is linked to lower levels of inflammatory markers in the bloodstream (19, 20).
In other words, the higher your fiber intake, the better your insulin sensitivity, and the lower your risk for diabetes.
A high fiber intake stretches the stomach, slows its emptying rate and influences the release of fullness hormones (5, 6).
A 2013 study by Threapleton found that high fiber intake was «significantly associated with lower risk of first stroke» (14).
People who have bad diets are more at risk of colorectal cancer, and they also have low fiber, but this does not necessarily mean that high fiber intakes are effective at protecting against cancer.
The vegan diet promotes * weight loss * due to high fiber intake.
High Fiber Intake, has been linked as a good prevention mechanism for many chronic diseases and cancers: cardiovascular disease, colon cancer and type 2 diabetes (these trends have been spotted mainly in observational studies).
The high fiber intake would help increase bowel movements, while the protein intake would help you maintain as much muscle mass as possible.
Researchers have reported that a higher fiber intake among females during the teenage and young adult years is associated with a lower risk of developing breast cancer.
The highest fiber intakes are found in nonindustrialized nations where meat is scarce and plant foods fill the menu.
It is a major flaw and one of the major reasons why the scientific summaries emphasize that reducing the glycemic response of foods should be considered in combination with a high fiber intake for overall health.
Essentially, a higher fiber intake may be overall «better» than a low fiber intake not because of fiber itself, but because a higher intake inherently means more soluble fiber.
The reason is to accustom your body to the higher fiber intake which is present in fruits and vegetables.
Individuals with the highest fiber intakes appear to have an approximately 30 % lower risk of cancer.
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