Sentences with phrase «high hurricane»

The results show high hurricane activity also occurred at around 1000 AD, where levels approached that seen today.
A team from Louisiana State University studied thousands of years worth of lake bed evidence and discovered that, over the past 3,400 years, a dozen Category 4 or higher hurricanes hit the area — yet most of them occurred 1,000 years or more ago [source: Young].
One study found that warming didn't seem to play a role in the increased winter storm activity over the U.S., but, in another study by the same researchers, they did find that it did up the odds of the unusually high hurricane activity around Hawaii.
Since high hurricane activity is associated with periods of high sst in the tropics which we have now and did in the 1920 ′ and 1930's 2.
Tropical cyclone activity was low everywhere, except in the Atlantic, where according to NOAA «near - record high hurricane activity» was recorded.
As a resident of North Carolina, our local news did a short report on massive increases in property insurance for coastal residents due the predictions of higher hurricane damages from increasing and more powerful storms.
What strikes me is that people must see something of value in living on the coast in areas with warm ocean temperatures (= high hurricane risk), something sufficiently valuable that is to at least partially offset both the risk of heat waves and the risk of hurricanes.
The earlier period of powerful hurricane activity matched previous studies that found evidence of high hurricane activity during the same period in more southerly areas of the western North Atlantic Ocean basin — from the Caribbean to the Gulf Coast.
Many factors combined to make Harvey — the first category 3 or higher hurricane to hit America since October 2005 — so dangerous.
If you have a high hurricane or windstorm deductible consider putting aside the additional money you may need to rebuild your home.
NOAA also forecasts a high hurricane activity for the remainder of the season, and time will show if this season will match the 2004 in terms of number of tropical cyclones.
Incidentally, there are a few other people who are pointing to the high hurricane potential of the 2007 season (and this is also a good description of the factors involved in the 2006 season): Why has the 2006 Hurricane Season been so calm?
NOAA is predicting 11 to 17 named storms this season, which runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, five to nine of them hurricanes and two to four Category 3 or higher hurricanes.
High hurricane activity continued in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico until 1400, although there was a lull in hurricane activity during this time in New England, according to the new study.
Since 1995, the United States has been in a high hurricane activity area, which typically lasts around 25 years.
Dr. Chris Landsea (a supporter of the natural variability explanation), even resigned in January 2005 as a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), after the co-ordinating lead author for his section, Dr. Kevin Trenberth (a supporter of the man - made global warming explanation) held a press conference, implying that the IPCC considered the high hurricane activity of 2004 to be related to man - made global warming.
Quite accidentally we discovered that when dust concentrations were high hurricane activity was low and visa versa.
If you have a high hurricane or windstorm deductible consider putting aside the additional money you may need to rebuild your home.
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