Sentences with phrase «high impact events»

Yes, it could happen, she says, but it's a low probability high impact event.
How will the risk of high impact events, such as heat waves, floods and droughts change over the next few decades and beyond?
«USING PALAEO - SCIENCE TO UNDERSTAND ClIMATE CHANGE IN AUSTRALIA... As the geographic coverage, time resolution and detail of palaeo - climate records have improved, it has become possible to identify the effects of past climate variations on high impact events such as fire....
Looking at the lower probability but higher impact events, there is a five per cent chance that local sea - level rise will exceed 112 centimeters at Oslo and 161 centimeters in Copenhagen by 2100.
The markets» view of the pending British referendum on EU membership displays the hallmarks of a low probability, high impact event.
Emanuel's main point was that just focusing on the most likely outcome (i.e. the centre of the pdf) ignores information on low probability / high impact events that may be highly relevant to society.
Ultimately, the devastating flaw in the Nature commentary is its failure to include more than a cursory discussion of the plausibility of such a high impact event.
«This is one of those low probability, but high impact events our industry dreads,» he told TechNewsWorld.
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