Sentences with phrase «high level of importance»

Specifically, peer rejection was a significant prospective predictor of depressive symptoms when combined with high levels of importance ascribed to peer status and high levels of adolescents» depressogenic attributional styles.
Some types of data are considered to hold a higher level of importance within the -LSB-...]
Since they do hold such a high level of importance worldwide, they create many profit opportunities for those who trade binary options.
It is bloody cold right now which equates to a high level of importance placed upon colourful salads like this one.
The privacy of your Personal Information (as defined below) is afforded the highest level of importance by SP Health Co Pty Ltd (ACN 123 248 046)(the «Company»).
It is focused on giving each child's safety, health, and education a high level of importance.
This is an important mechanism where efficiency is at the highest level of importance.
Though I took a short injury timeout from training I got back at it this week and rest and recovery has definitely taken on a higher level of importance.
Older adults, by contrast, are more likely to place a high level of importance on libraries» roles in their communities — even age groups that are less likely to use libraries overall, such as those ages 65 and older.
Cox in November 2016 expressed «disbelief that the Hawaiian Humane Society and the Honolulu Police Department routinely are not assigning a high level of importance to the cruel and inhumane killing of cats at Sand Island Park here on the Island of Oahu,» apparently by individuals who were (and perhaps still are) recreationally setting pit bulls on them.
I knew that many people were getting worked up about it, but it didn't reach a high level of importance for me.
To serve our clients requires continuously asserting a high level of importance for each clients» legal matter.
At Virk Personal Injury Law we can provide you with 100 % assurance that your case will be worked on with the highest level of importance on a specialized individual basis to ensure that you receive complete compensation to assist with your rehabilitation process, special care assistance and to continue to support your loved ones.
Discussing what is necessary and the skill required to be a safe driver, should start well before your teen is about to drive and have a high level of importance placed upon it.
There is a high level of importance placed on title and seniority in some cultures, and negotiating as a non-executive or a junior team member will pose challenges in establishing credibility and achieving your best results.
Parenting decisions and conflicts are often emotionally charged because of the high level of importance placed on the matter.
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