Sentences with phrase «high levels of debt»

At the same time, the household sector is also dealing with higher levels of debt relative to income.
One reason may be because of high levels of debt, but beyond that, refinancing is simply a sensible idea.
Consumers carrying high levels of debt are more vulnerable to the impact of an unforeseen event or economic shock.
Consumers with high levels of debt often face a no - win situation when it comes to qualifying for debt consolidation.
High levels of debts without increased revenue opportunities may lead to the sale of some talented players to alleviate the financial pressures.
In a low - inflation environment, nominal interest rates are also low, and households are able to service much higher levels of debt than they could in the past.
We're also living in a world of increasingly high levels of debt.
Students are entering and leaving law school with historically high levels of debt.
Having higher credit scores may seem like an advantage, but it can also create opportunities for your child to acquire higher levels of debt.
While private student loans are a small portion of the overall market, they are generally used by borrowers with high levels of debt who also have federal loans.
Yes, food companies can arguably support higher levels of debt, but current debt / interest expense vs. cash flow multiples could potentially cause difficulties, given unforeseen developments.
Student borrowers, known for desperation and high levels of debt after graduation, are often the target of scams that promise debt relief, student loan forgiveness, and more.
This may include borrowers with a poor credit history, low income earners and those with already high levels of debt.
Consumers carrying high levels of debt are more vulnerable to the impact of an unforeseen event or economic shock.
Those lucky enough to find or keep jobs in a contracted market may have faced other hurdles — like paying down historically high levels of debt.
And we will increase the amount graduates can earn before they start repaying their fees to # 25,000 - putting money back into the pockets of graduates with high levels of debt.
Countries with growing economies and substantial assets can generally manage high levels of debt in the medium term as lenders are confident that they won't actually default, however countries perceived as being at high risk of default end up paying higher interest rates or even being unable to borrow at all.
Bank of Canada governor says the bank has concerns over households» ability to pay down high levels of debt when interest rates continue their rise
The combination of very high levels of debt and excess manufacturing capacity can lock an economy into a self - reinforcing deflationary process in which growth stagnates and debt rises faster than debt servicing capacity.
And we've got to fundamentally reform the federal student - loan program so that African Americans and indeed all Americans can graduate from college without being burdened by unreasonably high levels of debt.
The point is, you shouldn't just look at FHA loans if you have a relatively high level of debt.
That provides investors with some assurance of stability, which subsequently allows them to use higher levels of debt to finance their purchase and generate extra yield, adds Allan Pollack, chairman of Chicago - based Providence Management Corp..
«High levels of debt combined with low salaries make legal aid work unsustainable for those from lower socio - economic backgrounds» concluded a 2013 study by the Young Legal Aid Lawyers (YLAL).
While high levels of debt may result in increased stock returns for some companies, it can also lead to blowups during credit tightening periods or economic slow downs if interest payments can not be maintained.
Aside from consumers» dangerously high levels of debt, having so much money concentrated in housing makes the whole economy less efficient.
Public sector banks are likely to be more hesitant to lend money to these borrowers because chances of a turnaround for companies with high levels of debt seem unlikely, at least in the near term, according to Awtani.
«The process of lowering interest rates causing higher levels of debt, debt service and spending, I think is coming to an end.»
People with high levels of debt stress are three times as likely as the general population to have ulcers or digestive tract issues, almost three times as likely to have migraines — and twice as likely to have heart attacks.
Any number of shocks could send Canada's house of cards tumbling, the bank says, particularly higher borrowing costs that pinches households already carrying record high levels of debt.
When growth is most needed, when a country is suffering from excessively high levels of debt, it is hard to find many cases in which the aggressive implementation of reforms led to growth rates fast enough for the debtor to grow its way out of debt.
Mainly, a focus on growth with still high levels of debt.
The low level of personal savings and high level of debt among Americans has raised concerns among national leaders about the need for more financial education, and the U.S. Congress has designated April Financial Literacy Month.
From here, the bank must assess how to proceed with the interest rate while taking into consideration that Canadian households have amassed high levels of debt and the presence of still - hot housing markets in areas like Toronto and Vancouver.
Despite high levels of debt, New Jersey residents tend to keep their finances in order.
So, although Thornburg's assets did not see high levels of defaults, by maintaining high levels of debt its losses were much more severe.
If you have poor credit, you do not have to continue damaging your credit score with impossibly high levels of debt.
Rising affluence and rising debt have become almost indistinguishable, as year - over-year consumers embrace higher levels of debt together with lower levels of savings.
You probably wouldn't be surprised to find out that people carrying high levels of debt get more headaches, suffer more muscle tension and ulcers and have more heart attacks.
Bear markets are invariably preceded by excess in the economy — over investment, high levels of debt growth, high levels of inflation and tight monetary conditions — and excess in the share market in the form of overvaluation and investor euphoria.
«Consumer spending is expected to be modest because of high levels of debt payment,» he says, adding that interest rates will average about 7.5 percent this year.
«Carney also says future interest rates may be downwards — which in theory would be good news for would - be buyers — but he also warns buyers to avoid high levels of debt
Higher levels of debt also mean that household spending could be quite sensitive to increases in interest rates, something the Reserve Bank will be paying close attention to.
Beyond these concerns, of course, we still need to fix problems that have been with us for some time during the crisis: unacceptably high unemployment, especially among young people; high levels of debt in many countries; and the need to complete the financial reform agenda.
High levels of debt often lead managements to think short - term, and they make more errors.
«With a median amount of student loan debt for all buyers at $ 25,000, it's likely some younger households with even higher levels of debt can't save for an adequate down payment or have decided to delay buying until their debt is at more comfortable levels.»
The average Canadian senior's shaky financial status is another key factor: many have high levels of debt without the savings or pensions they need to maintain adequate lifestyles.
He mentioned that Spain still has a very high level of debt, both public and private, and unemployment is still a burden.
For other companies, nearly 100 percent much higher levels of debt can easily be absorbed.»
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