Sentences with phrase «high on the common issues»

In rejecting these arguments and holding that the causes of action disclosed common issues, Justice Lauwers rejected the «degree of hyper - commonality» demanded by Dundee and CWT, holding that it is well settled that courts must not set the bar too high on the common issues test.

Not exact matches

These issues and challenges are common for high school athletes too but often go unattended, primarily due to the lack of information on the subject.
The New York State Allies for Public Education wants a much more open process with candidates explaining how they stand on issues like the Common Core and high - stakes testing.
Given the long standing resistance to enacting redistricting reform and the high stakes involved, we applaud them in finding common ground on an issue that is at the core of political power in Albany and results in the legislature giving up power in the drawing of lines.»
The 80 minutes of occasionally spirited argument at the high court this morning focused on the two main issues in the greenhouse gas litigation: For the case to go forward, the plaintiffs must prove that the case has legal standing (they must show that the court is the right venue for resolving this dispute), and that the common law definition of nuisance can support suits over greenhouse gases.
But ancient - DNA sequencing is beginning to shed some light on the issue.11 For example, by comparing a human HAR sequence with the HAR sequence of an archaic hominin, researchers can estimate if the HAR mutated before, after, or during the time period of our common ancestor.12 This approach has revealed that the rate at which HAR mutations emerged was slightly higher before we split from Neanderthals and Denisovans.3, 13 As a result, most HAR mutations are millions of years old and shared with these extinct hominins (but not with chimpanzees).
When it comes to high levels of glucose on a LCHF diet, this is a common issue and should only be short - term.
There's two issues with extreme high carb diets, lipid deficiencies (common on macrobiotic diet) and then any toxicity effects from disposal of excess glucose.
This special report — the latest in an ongoing series on high - priority issues in K - 12 education — looks at how the Common Core State Standards are changing instruction in mathematics.
Even the high - quality articles on charters in the research section of this issue of Education Next (see pp. 51 - 66) do not find common ground.
This has been an issue even for standards developed by states on their own even before Common Core was being developed; the political opposition to high - quality standards (which, oddly enough, Common Core foes are aiding and abetting in their own efforts) also explains why 38 states had science standards that earned a C or lower in 2011, according to the Thomas B. Fordham Institute in a report released last year.
Hampton City Schools has pulled students into leadership roles on its tech support team at the high school level, and these students are helping their peers and teachers with common technology issues, said John Eagle, the district's IT director.
In response to Banner questions on why unified enrollment was necessary, given the availability of a common charter application, a Boston Compact spokesperson issued a statement attributed to collaboration officer Rachel Weinstein that said that unified enrollment is meant to simplify enrollment and application processes, create consistent enrollment policies and procedures across district and charter schools and provide Boston students with «fairer access to high quality schools.»
With highly effective teachers shown to have a stronger impact on student achievement than even many of the background characteristics common to students in high - needs schools, the equitable distribution of highly effective teachers arises as a critical issue.
Drawing from ASCD's Common Core State Standards summits in Arkansas, Colorado, North Carolina, and Utah, the report shares that educators» knowledge of the standards is growing exponentially, but many do not understand the instructional shifts necessary for helping students reach the higher standards; educators are focused on the new common assessments and the technology issues associated with their deployment; and there is widespread initiative fatigue in the field because of the standards implementation efforts, new educator effectiveness initiatives, and other initiatives like Race to thCommon Core State Standards summits in Arkansas, Colorado, North Carolina, and Utah, the report shares that educators» knowledge of the standards is growing exponentially, but many do not understand the instructional shifts necessary for helping students reach the higher standards; educators are focused on the new common assessments and the technology issues associated with their deployment; and there is widespread initiative fatigue in the field because of the standards implementation efforts, new educator effectiveness initiatives, and other initiatives like Race to thcommon assessments and the technology issues associated with their deployment; and there is widespread initiative fatigue in the field because of the standards implementation efforts, new educator effectiveness initiatives, and other initiatives like Race to the Top.
A less common issue but still something to consider especially on higher milage vehicles is excessive crankshaft end - float, as excessive axial movement in the crank will at least exaggerate any vibration or run - out in the clutch mechanism or flywheel resulting in judder.
The high dividends attracted investors interested in income and tended to assure companies that they would be able to market add - on issues of common stock at prices above book value.
The grain that ends up in pet food may contain mold or excessive pesticide residues, so it makes sense to look for alternatives, but white potatoes and green peas (the most common substitutes) are even higher on the glycemic index than grain — a serious issue for cats, who are susceptible to diabetes from the wild insulin swings these foods cause).
The research needs that have high priority in establishing the technical, environmental, and economic feasibility of large - scale capture and disposal of CO -LCB- sub 2 -RCB- from electric power plants are: (1) survey and assess the capacity, cost, and location of potential depleted gas and oil wells that are suitable CO -LCB- sub 2 -RCB- repositories (with the cooperation of the oil and gas industry); (2) conduct research on the feasibility of ocean disposal, with objectives of determining the cost, residence time, and environmental effects for different methods of CO -LCB- sub 2 -RCB- injection; (3) perform an in - depth survey of knowledge concerning the feasibility of using deep, confined aquifers for disposal and, if feasible, identify potential disposal locations (with the cooperation of the oil and gas industry); (4) evaluate, on a common basis, more» system and design alternatives for integration of CO -LCB- sub 2 -RCB- capture systems with emerging and advanced technologies for power generation; and prepare a conceptual design, an analysis of barrier issues, and a preliminary cost estimate for pipeline networks necessary to transport a significant portion of the CO -LCB- sub 2 -RCB- to potentially feasible disposal locations.
[7] On the other hand, many older policies (especially well - funded ones) benefit from the unusually high interest guarantees of 4 % or 4.5 %, which are common for policies issued prior to 2000.
Applying for life insurance with medical conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety, height & weight issues and many others are very common today and we work with these medical conditions for our applicants on an everyday basis.
It includes a series of public seminars that provide general tips on everyday parenting issues; one - off discussion groups addressing the most common parenting problems; brief and short - term primary care consultations for specific problems; group or online courses for a comprehensive understanding of Triple P strategies; a one - on - one personal support program for tackling serious behavior problems; and two high intensity programs that deal with complex family and / or mental health issues, including the risk of child maltreatment.
There is often discussion and debate on the issue of the enclosure of patios or balconies in sectional title schemes and whether they become part of the section of the owner (in which case his participation quota will be higher) or whether it remains part of the common property but for his exclusive use, says Michael Bauer, General Manager of the property management company, IHFM.
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