Sentences with phrase «high per capita emissions»

If a wealthy nation with high per capita emissions refused to adopt emission reduction targets, it would be impossible to persuade developing countries to adopt targets in subsequent commitment periods.
And the first place prize went to, drum roll please, Canada, for refusing to take on absolute emissions reductions targets unless developing countries do so as well — ignoring Canada's historical responsibility and its vastly higher per capita emissions compared to developing countries.»
To ask India to take on the same obligations as developed countries with more than 30 times higher per capita income and over ten times higher per capita emissions is simply unfair.
«With Australia's exceedingly high per capita emissions, we have a greater responsibility to make larger cuts to our emissions.
The United States and Canada also have very high per capita emissions.
As a wealthy nation with the highest per capita emissions in the industrialized world, Australia must be seen to do its fair share, otherwise other nations, no matter how big their emissions, will feel less obligation to do theirs.
«Australia produces amongst the highest per capita emissions in the world, and we export coal which is not factored into those calculations, but which contributes to world emissions.
Some non-Annex 1 countries including China and Mauritius claim that their non-Annex 1 status is justification for making no binding commitments to reduce their ghg emissions even though a substantial percentage of their population has very high income and high per capita emissions.
«This is partly because baby boomers are the age group with the highest per capita emissions and large numbers of them won't reach age 80 until after 2030,» reports USA Today.
More to the point, the Government is attempting to turn a moral argument often used to condemn Australia — the fact that we have the highest per capita emissions in the industrialized world — into a moral plus, despite the fact that the Government's new announcement will entrench Australians as the worst polluters per person.
EDITOR»S NOTE: 8/3/15: When this post was published, it incorrectly stated that Ohio was the only state in the top 10 emitters that was also part of the 10 states with the highest per capita emissions.
In fact, only one of the top 10 emitters (Louisiana) is among the 10 states with the highest per capita emissions.
The more the industrialized community looks at a comprehensive approach, the worse the U.S. looks because of our high per capita emissions.
However, there's very little overlap between states with the highest per capita emissions and the states with the highest total emissions, shown in the chart below.
«It must be pointed out that climate change has been caused by the long - term historic emissions of developed countries and their high per capita emissions,» she said, adding that developed countries have responsibilities for global warming «that can not be shirked.»
These countries have very small populations and thriving economies that contribute to high per capita emissions.
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