Sentences with phrase «high profile individuals»

Our ability to bring added value and strategic global support to high profile individuals in the region — as well as their substantial corporate interests — is an important aspect of our business.
He is also noted for his work in advising media organisations on crime and related matters and his representation of high profile individuals.
He has handled tax matters for many of the world's largest corporations and high net worth high profile individuals.
Our current budget includes funding for high profile individuals who regularly and publicly counter the alarmist AGW message.
Fortunately, high profile individuals such as Melania Trump, who clearly won't stand for cyber-bullying, are out there fighting the good fight.
«The FBI is aware of the allegations concerning computer intrusions and the unlawful release of material involving high profile individuals, and is addressing the matter,» the agency said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter.
The problem here though, is that this is no different from the many documented cases of high profile individuals who embellished their resumes with degrees, skills, experience and awards that they did not have.
As a professional, executive, politician, sports figure, or otherwise high profile individual in Tampa Bay, you have a bigger incentive than most to keep your high net worth divorce amicable and private.
Courtney has extensive experience working on branded campaigns and digital media for high profile individuals from a variety of industries including tech, finance, media, and wellness.
Greg's paintings are also sought after by high profile individual collectors including; Jessica Alba, Toby Maguire, Sharon Stone and John Paul & Eloise DeJoria.
Even though the NDC party has officially remained silent over the former President's latest attacks on its leadership and its late leader, many high profile individual party members are so vexed with the outbursts of the NDC founder; they are threatening to expose his hypocrisy and his selfish motives for his behavior.
Brain cancer has taken center stage recently as several high profile individuals announced they are fighting the disease.
The format of the 2018 Congress will be similar to that of previous years with the content determined by a Scientific Committee composed of high profile individuals representing a broad portfolio of expertise from both academia and industry.
[dropcap style =» flat» size =» 5 ″] F [/ dropcap] ive high profile individuals in publishing based in the UK and US are shortlisted for the FutureBook Innovation Awards» Most Inspiring Digital Publishing Person, an award sponsored by Frankfurt Book Fair.
Arbitrators, practitioners, academics, judges, corporate counsel and many other high profile individuals are contributing to the discussions on the OGEMID forum.
As such, similar to other exchanges in the Japanese cryptocurrency market, DMM Bitcoin will likely carry out a rigorous verification process for traders, especially for large - scale and high profile individual investors.
Regularly interacted with high profile individuals, exhibiting confidence, sound judgment and tact.
Pocket listings are not always pre-MLS, they are often private listings of celebrities or high profile individuals seeking to keep their home out of the headlines, or offered during a lengthy marketing preparation process, typically for luxury listings.
Laura Eimiller, a spokesperson for the FBI, said the Bureau is «aware of the allegations concerning computer intrusions and the unlawful release of material involving high profile individuals, and is addressing the matter».
As a professional, business owner, entrepreneur, executive, politician, sports figure, or otherwise high profile individual in Vancouver, and even more importantly as a parent of your children you have an incentive to settle your divorce and separation promptly, discretely and fairly.
We have substantial experience of acting for high profile individuals and companies who trust us to achieve successful results for them in dealing with sensitive reputational issues, both pre - and post-publication, and in connection with print and online media.
As a professional, executive, politician, sports figure, or otherwise high profile individual in Tampa Bay, you have a bigger incentive than most to keep your high net worth divorce amicable and private.
11 million documents exposing various offshore deals, were leaked by an employee, mainly showcasing alleged tax evasion by high profile individuals.
The hotel bedrooms are to be situated over six floors, with the six floor providing London's most acclaimed suite due to the uninterrupted views over Hyde park, a private lift and comprising a 4 bedroom suite making it the largest capacity suite in London with all the technological advancements to make it secure for discerning business travellers and high profile individuals who require several rooms.
Some high profile individuals such as Nobel Prize - winning economist Joseph Stiglitz have said the cryptocurrency should be outlawed.
A hero to the people of Chile, Sanchez also touched on why he doesn't give many interviews despite being such a high profile individual in his homeland.
Accord brings together religious and non-religious supporters of change as well as teaching unions, human rights organisations and high profile individuals.
Just over a decade ago, anthrax was sent through the mail to high profile individuals, resulting in five deaths, additional infections, and millions of dollars in cleanup costs.
It's because of this anguishing past that high profile individuals and influential leaders set out to fight racism by encouraging interracial persons to marry.
Five high profile individuals in publishing based in the UK and US are shortlisted for the FutureBook Innovation Awards» Most Inspiring Digital Publishing Person, an award sponsored by Frankfurt Book Fair.
Its all important that the quality of people invited to the launch involve community leaders and high profile individuals.
acting for a high profile individual in judicial review and high court proceedings concerning tax assessments totalling c. # 1billion, issued in breach of an earlier settlement agreement (R oao Ecclestone v HMRC and others)
If the investigation is likely to involve a high profile individual within the organization, media attention, or litigation, it is best to engage a competent external investigator.
He went on to note: «My research indicates, the selection committee chaired by vice president academic Tony Secco finalized Levitt and another «high profile individual» as candidates.
Our lawyers are experienced at working on privacy and media cases, including High Court cases involving high profile individuals.
If you are a high profile individual, a household name, or a leading private company facing reputational damage, Vardags can help you.
The idea of a self - destructing phone is usually something you only encounter in goofy spy movies, but it's actually a potentially valuable invention that could aid in security for high profile individuals.
At Downsize With Dignity, we provide unique corporate executive outplacement support to assist you in executing a seamless termination of the high profile individuals at your senior executive level, Director and above.
Prepped and assisted with on set photo shoots for editorials with celebrities and high profile individuals
Secured two high profile individuals to agree to sit on Board of Directors at a giving amount of $ 100,000 over 6 years plus $ 30,000 annually
Such individuals may include, but are not limited to, high profile individuals, physicians, attorneys, judges, faculty, law enforcement, and high - level management.
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