Sentences with phrase «high quality score»

However, the world of gaming music isn't just growing larger with its close ties to licensed music, it is also growing with its focus on original high quality scores for games.
Higher Quality Scores typically lead to lower costs and better ad positions.
The MSCI USA Quality Index is comprised of 125 stocks in the MSCI USA Index that have high quality scores based on return - on - equity, earnings growth and financial leverage.
If you have high Quality Scores across the board, you pay an insanely discounted rate for each click.
It shows the Spurs man, a wide forward by trade, not only finds himself in high quality scoring positions, he creates them as well.
Higher quality scores empower us to make lower keyword bids for your firm while still maintaining a top position in the search engine results.
In short, a higher quality score will mean higher ad rankings and lower costs.
High Quality Scores can give your ads better positioning at lower costs - per - click.
That means, if your click - through rate is low versus your competition, then you're going to struggle to get a high Quality Score.
Again, this would give you more control over your budget, improve your reporting, and lead to higher Quality Scores.
Ever since we started using this technique in our campaigns at East Side Mafia, we have seen increased CTRs, high quality scores and higher ROIs in...
Don't let good leads slip through the cracks (and to your competitors); set up alerts to ensure leads with a high quality score are pinged to your sales team.
Google Keyword Planner groups keywords into suggested Ad Groups because it thinks you'll be able to use the same landing page to advertise to all the keywords in a group, and thus have a higher Quality Score... which is closely related to relevance signals in organic search.
Site best practice current strategies and algorithm's that change determine relevancy and higher quality scores... = lower per click cost
They only appear in the very top ad rank positions (above the organic results) and advertisers need to have a high quality score.
No longer that I'm complaining, but sluggish loading cases instances will very frequently impact your placement in google and could injury your high quality score if ads and marketing with Adwords.
No longer that I'm complaining, however sluggish loading instances instances will very frequently impact your placement in google and can damage your high quality score if advertising and marketing with Adwords.
Not that I am complainіng, but slοw loading instances timеs will ѕometimes affect уour placement in google and can damаge your high quality score if advеrtіѕing anԁ marketing with Adwordѕ.
Not that I am complainіng, but slοw loading instances timеs will ѕometimes affect уour placement in google and can damаge your high quality score if advеrtіѕing anԁ marketing with Adwordѕ.
Search engines do not give these a high quality score because they are not so relevant to the site and therefore the CPC is higher to get on to the first page.
The 2018 Kindle standards recommend a high quality score.
Basically, the higher the quality score, the less you'll have to pay for a click.
And if you want a high quality score, then you must have excellent ads and landing pages, informed by a well - researched and thought - out keyword strategy.
If you want an affordable PPC campaign that ultimately produces new cases for your firm, then you need a high quality score.
Earning a high quality score is difficult for lawyers, and especially for personal injury attorneys.
This is due to higher quality scores.
Quality We develop your ads, landing pages and entire campaign to achieve a high quality score, which in turn reduces your ad rates.
The higher the CTR, the higher your quality score and the lower your cost becomes.
Maintain a high quality score for all calls, ranking as one of the department's top professionals
Not that I am complaining, but slow loading instances times will sometimes affect your placement in google and could damage your high quality score if advertising and marketing with Adwords.
Helped lead technology integration, teacher training and curriculum enhancement initiatives that boosted XYZ's STARS rating to Level 4 3/4 the highest quality score granted by the state.
Ponciano (2013; highest quality score 86 %), found a significant correlation between age and security of attachment in a sample of Foster Care children aged 9 — 39 months, with younger children having higher security scores (Ponciano 2010).
Ads with a high Quality Score get displayed more often, even at a lower bid amount.
Not that I'm complaining, but slow loading instances times will sometimes affect your placement in google and can damage your high quality score if ads and marketing with Adwords.
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