Sentences with phrase «high recidivism rates»

This background - check policy has been blamed in part for high recidivism rates in the US.
Community sentences are failing to protect the public and are producing a «revolving door system» which results in an unacceptably high recidivism rate, according to a new report.
The currently high recidivism rate helps no one, so what should be done?
It was also recommended as a model to halt high recidivism rates for Aboriginal women in Unfinished Business, the 2013 Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (VHREOC) report on Koori women and the justice system.
The program aims to prevent high recidivism rates by diverting some young adults, between ages 18 and 21, from adult prisons to juvenile facilities.
But the higher offending rate produces a higher recidivism rate.
Cuomo says it also costs money, because time spent in prison early in life leads to a higher recidivism rate, and more years in state custody, at an average price of $ 50,000 a year per inmate.
Cuomo argued that the plan will help curb the state's high recidivism rate, and ultimately reduce costs for the state.
In a country with such a high recidivism rate yoga can prove an efficient and cost - effective rehabilitation tool.
I feel strongly that the current way that this is treated is contributing to the high recidivism rate.
«Haven't we learned the lessons of getting tough on children from the criminal justice system's high recidivism rates
It was also passed due to high recidivism rates.
Combine that with a high recidivism rate — some sources say as many as 80 % of recovering alcoholics relapse within the first year — and life insurers are wary of giving the best ratings.
The high recidivism rate of Indigenous women contributes to the increasing over-representation of Indigenous women in Australian prisons.
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