Sentences with phrase «high risk category»

It also visits employers in certain high risk categories before granting a licence.
Almost all of these bonds are in various higher risk categories, but they play a key role.
Because these policies are designed to eliminate higher risk categories, they are priced lower than whole life policies.
Due to the recent surgery, you fall into a much higher risk category.
Those that will provide coverage are going to place your parent in a very high risk category.
It's great that low - risk women can deliver at home and women who are in higher risk categories can deliver in a hospital where there are caregivers trained to the level of care needed for their medical issues.
An individual who works in a coal mine can be offered a PA policy under high risk category and the company can charge higher premium.
When you get right down to it, smoking is in the same high risk category as a scuba diver, skydiver or race car driver.
For example, there is a single price at Preferred Best, Preferred, Standard Plus, Standard, or Sub-Standard (for those in poor health or other high risk categories).
And that puts them in the high risk category for lenders.
A seemingly insignificant misclassification of your industry could put you in a higher risk category and make it more difficult for your business to qualify for a loan.
It's important to make sure your business profile is correct because it's not uncommon for something as simple as your industry classification to be incorrect, which might assign your business to a higher risk category — making it more difficult for your business to qualify for a small business loan.
The judge wrote: «There is another justification for the policy of excluding homosexuals from service in the United States Armed Forces... [F] ar and away the highest risk category for those who are HIV - positive, a population who will with a high degree of medical certainty one day contract AIDS, is homosexual men.»
But be sure to get a second opinion about whether you really fall into a high risk category, and make your own decisions about what birth location is truly the most risky for you and your baby.)
After the recent study by the federal emergency management agency of the flood risk, more than 5,200 properties in Dutchess County are now designated in the high risk category.
An international panel had advanced it to that highest risk category in 2004.
At the moment, if you are put in a high risk category you're automatically offered the invasive test, whereas this will reduce the amount of invasive tests that need to take place.»
Since I have often fit into high risk category number one in the past few years (pregnant women), and have children that fit into high risk category number two (young children), this is an issue I have spent many hours researching.
Why it matters: High blood pressure (hypertension) is a significant risk factor for stroke, and while it's often thought to result from too many croque monsieurs or Krispy Kremes, there is a hereditary link that could put you in the high risk category.
While its true that a total cholesterol level of 200 mg / dL puts you in a higher risk category, doctors now know that the amounts of HDL and LDL can affect heart attack risk.
I knew what this was, but hadn't read much on it because «Those high risk categories didn't apply to me.»
During my pregnancy, I saw Tamie every week through the first trimester to help ensure a healthy pregnancy; though my age put me in a higher risk category for pregnancy, I was completely...
That puts the SAD in the highest risk category with almost 7 times the risk of IRS.
For example, without modifying any of the report settings (the report defaults to the «next highest benchmark setting»), a student in the high risk category will have an end of year goal that is at the some risk benchmark cut point.
Authors in this higher risk category must weigh lost revenue against the possibility for greater visibility on Amazon and a potential increase in paid sales.
No bank will be willing to take you on as a customer as you will be put in the high risk category.
The funds usually fall in the high risk category and produce long - term capital appreciation from an expanded portfolio of equity - linked and equity instruments.
«It puts you into a higher risk category as a borrower,» she says.
A seemingly insignificant misclassification of your industry could put you in a higher risk category and make it more difficult for your business to qualify for a loan.
It's important to make sure your business profile is correct because it's not uncommon for something as simple as your industry classification to be incorrect, which might assign your business to a higher risk category — making it more difficult for your business to qualify for a small business loan.
What do you need to do if you need affordable car insurance and you are in a high risk category?
There is a high interest rate that is in line with the level of risk that lenders are taking by giving credit to individuals in a high risk category.
- 8 Dividend Stocks To Consider While Waiting on Apple to Pay Its First Dividend - Holding Bonds Could Push Your Portfolio Into The High Risk Category
Even if you are in a high risk category, such as teens or seniors, you can find ways to save on car insurance.
Maxing out a credit card looks like you have to rely on credit to cover your expenses; immediately putting you in the high risk category.
You are also in the highest risk category if you try to apply for new credit card accounts.
As such, the mammary glands of the dog should be inspected by feel often, especially if one's female dog falls into a high risk category based on spay status.
About one third of the cats I see fall into this higher risk category.
TreeHugger: Well doc, I'm clearly in a high risk category living in Davidson County in Tennessee and having a high toxicity probability in my water source.
In September 2011, a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted to place transvaginal mesh products in its highest risk category due to the risk of complications.
«They're the firm's driftwood,» Toothman says, and they're a high risk category, because they equate their billing with their ability to stay in the firm.
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