Sentences with phrase «high society for»

One of Paris's original grandes dames, it first opened as the Hotel Majestic in 1908 and played host to high society for several decades (including Stravinsky, Proust, Joyce and Picasso) before falling into government hands during the Second World War.
Newcastle, New South Wales High Society for Is the Official NZ Herald Sun · ADULT SERVICES.
The blond with piercing blue eyes came back strong with the remake of The Great Gatsby, returning to the screen as we like to see him: an adventurer who climbs into high society for a beautiful woman and then loses everything

Not exact matches

While only 18 percent of U.S. organizations offer paid parental leave, according to the Society for Human Resource Management's 2016 Employee Benefits Survey, many high profile employers have begun announcing plans that both increase the amount of paid time off for new parents and offer it regardless of gender.
First, the encouraging news: A record 86 % of U.S. employees say they are satisfied in their current jobs, the highest percentage since 2004, reports the Society for Human Resource Management.
Indeed, citizens» satisfaction is related to what they get for their tax dollars, Sachs tells CNBC Make It: «They are happy because these societies are not only prosperous but also with high equality, social trust and honesty of government.
A society is most productive when all its talent is unleashed by a combination of two factors: equal opportunity (for example through free quality higher education) and social mobility.
These include poisonous methane emissions from cows that accelerate climate change and higher health care costs associated with unhealthy diets, which are ultimately paid for by society.
The CRTC says that Canada's a world leader in access to the Internet, but Harvard's Berkman Centre for Internet and Society just updated its study on next generation connectivity — very high - speed Internet, 3G networks and the like.
They found that the people who were able to choose what to think about experienced a greater reduction of high - arousal negative emotions and a boost in low - arousal positive ones, as Christian Jarrett writes in a piece about the findings for the British Psychological Society research digest.
And the long end will portend higher rates for our consumer - driven society.
Reacting to revelations that the political research and consulting firm Cambridge Analytica obtained Facebook user data for the purpose of influencing voters in multiple countries, the Internet Society called it «the natural outcome of today's data driven economy that puts businesses and others first, not users» and called for «higher standards for transparency and ethics when it comes to the handling of our information.
Wide ranged efforts to promote deeper learning in the STEM subjects will also help ensure that all students are ready for college or for the workforce when they graduate from high school and that they are prepared to take their place as productive, full participants in society.
Society for Human Resource Management found that 72 % of employees consider respect to be the biggest factor in job satisfaction, and with low pay and status at the office, it is important to keep your intern in high morale.
«As states continue to legalize and Cannabis becomes more and more ingrained into American society, the desire for Cannabis - driven content is reaching an all - time high,» High Times» CEO Adam Levin told BenzihighHigh Times» CEO Adam Levin told BenziHigh Times» CEO Adam Levin told Benzinga.
«It's high - tech eugenics,» said Marcy Darnovsky, director of the Center for Genetics and Society, a Berkeley, Calif. nonprofit focused on reproductive technologies.
This CNN forum, and the vitriol it has induced, is a good example of precicesly why a civilized society keeps religion out of the public forum... (and for the record, the high stress atmosphere of an airplane is clearly a particularly bad forum to inject religion).
For a certain sector of society, religion has been replaced by the aesthetic, by culture understood as high culture (and, increasingly, as deviant culture).
On the contrary, given the presumption of a collective agency for the cell as a unified field of activity, it makes excellent sense to account for the stability of the field in terms of societies of inanimate actual occasions with their ongoing transmission of fixed patterns and for the vitality of the field in terms of the nexus of living occasions with their higher degree of novelty and originality.
It is thus no surprise that modern science came into being during the High Middle Ages, when for the first time in history there was a society permeated with Christian beliefs.
Zechariah is told he is to be a father — a message that is unexpected but certainly not undesirable, for Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth are old and childless in a society that puts a high value on having children.
When you live in a society where there is a high value placed on calling yourself Christian and going to church, and there are even promising career paths available, there's always going to be people who become Christians for the wrong reasons.
Yet, even if we lack James J. Walsh's unequivocal enthusiasm for medieval Christendom, H. Richard Niebuhr, in Christ and Culture, was surely right to say that the High Middle Ages witnessed the greatest synthesis of Christianity, culture, and society ever achieved.
Groups like the Hindu American Foundation and the Hare Krishna Society have lists of priorities they plan to present to Gabbard, making clear that expectations are high for the groundbreaking congresswoman.
Formerly, when the liberal arts college was the major form of higher education, and when it understood its mission as the prepartion of leaders for society, there was some chance of such health.
Just like for racists, statistics that show a higher incident of violent crime amongst black people justifies their racism instead of causing them to look at what has been done by society to black people that has led to the circumstances they are currently in.
For while he took mechanism seriously as a physical base for all phenomena, including man and society, he was able to show that even the formation of this physical base in each instance took place within the cosmic ground of a higher purpoFor while he took mechanism seriously as a physical base for all phenomena, including man and society, he was able to show that even the formation of this physical base in each instance took place within the cosmic ground of a higher purpofor all phenomena, including man and society, he was able to show that even the formation of this physical base in each instance took place within the cosmic ground of a higher purpose.
If not, the higher tax compensates society for the land privileges it grants.
The great issues of our time are moral: the uses of power; wealth and poverty; human rights; the moral quality and character of society; loss of the sense of the common good in tandem with the pampering of private interests; domestic violence; outrageous legal and medical costs in a system of maldistributed services; unprecedented developments in biotechnologies which portend good but risk evil; the violation of public trust by high elected officials and their appointees; the growing militarization of many societies; continued racism; the persistence of hunger and malnutrition; a still exploding population in societies hard put to increase jobs and resources; abortion; euthanasia; care for the environment; the claims of future generations.
Put simply, «high culture» requires a leisure class or, one might say more precisely, a superfluous class of people that is not engaged in the necessary work of maintaining the material basis for society.
But I came to see that it is far easier to create this society for yourself than to find it in institutions of higher learning.
Furthermore, precisely as a community (or, in Whiteheadian terms, a structured society), they possess a higher unity and greater actuality than would theoretically be possible for each of them as individual persons, i.e., as separate personally ordered societies.
Griffin, it will be remembered, affirmed this same possibility for monarchically organized structured societies within a Whiteheadian perspective; according to his way of thinking, the regnant society within that structured society enables the society as a whole to possess that higher unity and exercise that more comprehensive agency.
The survival of recognizably Protestant colleges therefore seems to depend on the survival within the larger society of Protestant enclaves whose members believe passionately in a way of life radically different from that of the majority, and who are both willing and able to pay for a brand of higher education that embodies their vision.
Ordinary people want the best for society and can certainly work together without needing to derive moral authority by citing a higher power.
«The ultimate basis for a scientific society requires that you make the assumption that God created something,» Stark explains, «and in the major monotheisms the sky is a lot higher.
When a society regards itself as being charged by a higher authority to care for each and every human life in its charge, is it not the prime responsibility of a society so charged to intervene, to break into our privacy, when there is a strong chance that death might otherwise occur?
Secondly, he has received a good deal of praise and support internationally for this document: Archbishop Mauro Piacenza, secretary of the Congregation for Clergy wrote to congratulate the Bishop for carrying out what the General Directory for Catechesis had called for following the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and expressed his hope that it «will become an example for other Dioceses in the country»; dioceses in Australia, America, France, Canada and Malta have asked for copies; the Catholic Truth Society in London has published the document following high demand.
Whereas public schools are designed to produce workers for the market, higher education is designed to produce engineers, scientists, accountants, managers, consultants, and executives for corporations, as well as the teachers, doctors, and lawyers required for the market society.
The question is being asked whether the price for the present pattern is not too high, whether we could not, without losing me many good things in our society, have a freer impulse life, a richer imaginative consciousness, be less alienated from our bodies, be capable of more profound intimacy with a few and more community with many others.
If the point of religion is to bring peace and guide a culture toward certain specific behaviors, primarily for order and the preservation of the good qualities of society, then how can one say that one religion is better than another or that a «religion-less» person who STILL acts the SAME way (i.e. does right unto their neighbors, lives according to the thing the bible suggests) but is more tolerant is not as high quality a citizen as another who is associated with a Major League Religious Team?
The pressures for efficient collection and distribution of foods in urban society and the demand for short cuts in food preparation in high - speed civilization have brought into being a vast food - processing industry.
The Christian hope for human society is that these conditions can be more completely fulfilled, and that within these conditions men will continue to discover and respond to the high possibilities of justice and love.
The highest task for health education in a society devoted to excellence is to discover and introduce into the cultural stream modes of living that will fully employ bodily energies in ways that are at the same time consonant with the ideals of reason, qualitative judgment, and ethical concern.
Perhaps the Occupy Movement will bring us to the point where we once again as a society decide we want to uphold the rule of law, not just for the petty crimes of the poor, but also the high crimes of the rich and their politician puppets like Blair.
«Thus the problem for Nature is the production of societies which are structured with a high «complexity,» and which are at the same time «unspecialized.»
It at once becomes clear, when we adopt this altered standpoint, that the purpose of a new Declaration of the Rights of Man can not be, as formerly, to ensure the highest possible degree of independence for the individual in society, but to define the conditions under which the inevitable totalization of Mankind may be effected, not only without impairing but so as to enhance, I will not say the autonomy of each of us but (a quite different thing) the incommunicable singularity of being which each of us possesses.
In doing so, they laid the foundations for a new kind of society, one in which serving God faithfully was the highest duty.
It is clear that our Personage could not have known the vulgar class of immigrants for he lived either alone, in complete solitude, or as a shepherd, or as a big merchant in a caravan, or in the high society with the leaders of the community.
I agree with the concept but your numbert are high, The worst I found was the American Tract Society (based in Texas, distributes religious literature to spread its message around the world) which used 68 % of donations for their Administrative expenses.
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