Sentences with phrase «high stakes standardized tests»

I am not an opponent of standardized testing, but I am an opponent of high stakes standardized testing.
Collective human judgment informed by reliable evidence is a much better way to assess teaching and learning in schools than data - driven judgment based on high stakes standardized tests.
The consortium intends to use the eventual system to press the state to change the current high stakes standardized tests to a system that actually benefits the learning of our growing diversity of learners.
Indeed, the end game of the opt out movement is not to make it easier to opt out, it is to eliminate high stakes standardized testing as the end game.
The corporate reform narrative is based on three assertions, 1) that the collective voice of teachers is unwelcome in the discussion of the direction of education, 2) that a single metric — high stakes standardized test scores — can discern effective schooling, and 3) that the marketplace and profit motive are the best way to improve schools.
Forcing special needs and English language learners to take high stakes standardized tests is «abusive,» Regents Chancellor Betty Rosa told parents and community leaders at a forum held last week.
Teacher assessments employ an approach known as «assessment for learning» whereas high stakes standardized tests rest on a mechanistic foundation of «assessment of learning» akin to weighing children instead of feeding them.
If you Google «how to measure student performance,» one paper you will NEVER see is «a single high stakes standardized test
The questionnaire asked Clinton if she would urge Congress to reduce the number of «federally - required high stakes standardized tests
We believe there are positive alternatives to high stakes, standardized testing We oppose high stakes standardized testing because it is a tool of corporatization, stratification, and social reproduction.
This expansion is occurring even though high stakes standardized testing has never been shown to improve student achievement or teacher performance, and even though the testing mandated by the federal No Child Left Behind legislation is widely considered to have undercut, rather than raised, national achievement levels.
With regard to issues specific to education, AFT National president Randi Weingarten celebrated the new federal education law, «Every Student Succeeds Act» (ESSA), and said it promises to decouple high stakes standardized tests from teacher evaluation.
Incentivizing districts to develop local formative and summative measures in collaboration with other districts, vetted by the Connecticut State Department of Education, similar to the longstanding exemplary «New York Performance Standards Consortium», which was founded in 1997 on the premise that high stakes standardized tests do not measure what matters most.
In the past two weeks, hundreds of thousands of parents across the state staged a parental uprising against the Common Core curriculum and culture of over-utilization of high stakes standardized tests and exercised their right to refuse to have their children take the grades 3 - 8 ELA and math exams.
We're going to have to organize fights against cookie - cutter evaluation rubrics (such as Danielson), against the plan to tie teacher evaluation to high stakes standardized test scores, and in defense of basic protections such as tenure.
Standards - based performance assessment is an effective means to improve student performance in the classroom and on high stakes standardized tests.
This is historic because it is the first time that a legislative body has sent a clear directive to the DOE, NYSED and Governor that high stakes standardized tests must be replaced by multiple measures.
Unfortunately, Weingarten's proposal reinforces the teacher quality problem myth and the idea that high stakes standardized tests can promote high quality teaching and learning.»
As someone who has been a conscientious objector of high stakes standardized tests and is actively involved in the opt out campaign in our state, the decoupling of standardized tests scores from the teacher evaluation does not get at the root of the issues.
It seems that opponents of high stakes standardized testing are fighting an old war; the old TAKS regime is gone and we should give the new system a chance to work.
She works alongside other MOREistas and Change the Stakes, a grassroots coalition of parents, teachers and community members who are concerned with the destructive use of high stakes standardized testing and to bring awareness to the inextricable link between teachers» working conditions and students» learning conditions.
No Child Left Behind mandated a high stakes standardized testing environment that unintentionally narrowed schools to focus on rote learning in reading and math.
The campaign will among other things seek to end the abuse and overuse of high stakes standardized tests and reduce the amount of student and instructional time consumed by them.
BL: And I'll begin with some things that are in the news this week, beginning with your new Schools Chancellor, Richard Carranza, urging parents not to opt their kids out of statewide standardized tests... Is that consistent with your own views as a critic of high stakes standardized testing?
«We've doubled down on the status - quo — an accountability system based on one high stakes standardized test,» said Jessica Tang, president of the Boston Teacher's Union.
In the past two weeks, hundreds of thousands of parents across the state staged a parental uprising against the Common Core curriculum and culture of over-utilization of high stakes standardized tests and exercised their right to refuse to have their children take the grades 3 - 8 ELA and math exams.
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