Sentences with phrase «high test»

Currently, schools with high test scores get more money; the opposite is what is needed.
When comparing students, we also find that students with higher test scores in math and English language arts have stronger growth mindset.
The plan would reward teachers not only for experience, but for results in the classroom in the form of higher test scores and other measures.
So it's no wonder charters often produce higher test scores.
It will ramp up the pressure for higher test scores in mathematics, and in the process narrow further the curriculum.
I have taught honors level classes where all of the students got high test scores and remedial classes where students score extremely low.
Teachers are routinely given accolades for achieving high test scores — and invariably acknowledged for coaching a winning sports team or producing the school play.
The «theory of action» was to close schools with low test results and expand school with higher test results.
The more affluent one does not spend much on its schools but posts high test scores on the state assessment.
If teachers see the primary goal, for instance, as higher test scores, there's a very direct path to achievement: give students the answers.
Two recently released studies show higher test scores by students who are taught by board - certified teachers.
Based on the research, a practice test followed by feedback did not yield significantly higher testing effects than practice tests without feedback.
In several recent studies, kids who used tablets instead of books demonstrated higher test scores and greater proficiency than those not using tablets.
Students posted slightly higher test stores in math and language arts in most grades, from 3 through 8, and in high school.
I've written before about the odds of getting into schools that have consistently high test scores.
Teachers also appear to generate higher test - score gains during the year they are being evaluated, though these estimates, while consistently positive, are smaller.
Good verbal ability should be shown by high test scores, good grades in school, or other measures.
The schools had very high test scores and they rated as the most challenging in the nation.
But it does more than just that, this study found that keeping your testosterone levels up may help fight depression and this study shows how having higher test levels actually decrease body fat.
Do take a read, and play along and see if you can predict which state will yield higher test performance in the end.
A «miracle» school is one that gets extremely high test scores despite having the same types of students as the nearby failing school.
The cost of a fill up on high test gas is not all that expensive after you crunch the numbers.
A thoughtful, consistent training protocol and high testing standard is key to a successful service partnership.
It is a movement of teachers, administrators, parents, and students who are demanding something more of their schools than just higher test scores.
That translates into higher test scores and better graduation rates for the child and their classmates.
Then the panel will meet again and recruit someone with even higher test results or even more impressive qualifications, who may or may not fail again.
If the states that had not done annual testing improve their test scores more than the states that did annual testing, the findings suggest annual testing causes higher test scores.
The numbers are so high the tests could be deemed invalid.
Even a mediocre school can expect high test scores if its students come from wealthy backgrounds.
This is a set of 6 GCSE Higher tests, separated by topic, to allow teachers to assess pupils and measure their progress.
Not all schools are obsessed with ensuring high test scores for students.
The main conclusion is that students using vouchers to attend private schools do not generally attain higher test scores than public school students.
And they may expand or replicate schools that have high test performance but do little to improve these later life outcomes.
And it is interesting to see sustained high test scores after three years.
Other schools with similar poverty levels but better attendance rates posted much higher test scores.
Students, families, communities, and educational leaders demand innovation in schools, while states and district leaders demand high test scores.
Schools with a history of low test scores spend concentrated time on test prep; schools with traditionally high test scores do not spend time on test prep.
Students can receive tangible incentives for high test courses or thoughtful feedback on the writing prompts.
When success of a school is based on numbers — what percentage of the students graduate or how high the test scores are — all kinds of unethical practices occur.
Another study indicated that preschoolers who had a rule with bedtime generally obtained higher test scores.
If the construct being measured is not expected to change over time, the researcher should expect to observe high test - rest reliability.
In Study 1, analyses indicated higher test anxiety for females than for males.
Physical education could help schools in their goal of higher test scores due to constant accountability from the government.
And many produce high test scores compared with nearby traditional schools.
Learn how to help more children, save money for your school district, achieve higher test scores, and improve the future of our society.
They would get higher test scores if schools could fire more bad teachers and pay more to good ones.
However, the research clearly shows that schools with high test scores also have highly effective school library programs which ensure their students will have the best chance to succeed in the 21st century.
Nonetheless, the congressional endorsement was valuable publicity for charters, which gained public recognition and new opportunities to expand and compete with neighborhood public schools for higher test scores.

Phrases with «high test»

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