Sentences with phrase «high turnout»

"High turnout" refers to when a large number of people participate or show up for an event, such as elections or a gathering. Full definition
Higher turnout among his vital targets and a narrow victory.
The next election might see higher turnout «because people want to get rid of the government», but not because people are fully engaged.
Rather than looking at self - reported levels of turnout in post-election surveys ComRes did regressions on actual levels of turnouts in constituencies by their demographic profiles, finding the usual patterns of higher turnout in seats with more middle class people and older people, lower turnout in seats with more C2DE voters and younger voters.
«The Super Bowl is a major event for Americans, and with high turnout of travelers from Philadelphia and Boston, we anticipate the stadium to be full of fans from both teams,» said Daniel Durazo, director of communications at Allianz Global Assistance USA.
With higher turnout expected in 2016, Democrats hope it could be Casey's year.
For many trade unionists, the government's refusal to allow them to use electronic voting shows that the talk of higher turnouts for strike ballots is just empty rhetoric.
Because committee members» ballots are weighted according to how many people in their area voted for the Democratic candidate in the most recent gubernatorial election, Upper West Siders wielded outsize influence in the decision process because of vastly higher turnout rates in their neighborhood — even though it makes up a relatively small portion of the district.
Midterms, especially midterms with a Democrat president, are known for showing much higher turnout among Republicans than Democrats.
Recent contests have been marked by high turnout and unusually strong performances by local Democrats.
The primaries, the first truly competitive races for both parties» presidential contests in modern history in New York, saw record high turnout, especially on the Republican side.
That Paladino defeated Lazio in the primary was something of a surprise, but like the general election against Cuomo he managed to get high turnout in western New York.
There is much evidence that suggests marginal seats experience higher turnouts at elections.
It's an off year for state - wide races — although there are mayoral races in Buffalo, Rochester, Albany and Syracuse — but most local municipal elections do not generate high turnouts.
«We realized April 24 was turning out to be a «Northeast Primary Day»,» Casale said, adding that Republicans expect the primary season will go on for a while and the warmer weather in April would encourage higher turnout.
Despite high turnout when 16 - year - olds were allowed to vote in the Scottish referendum, they were denied a say in the EU vote.
The AV referendum and the North East Regional Assembly referendum were also very hostile affairs but, again, both secured higher turnouts than expected.
«Nothing that happens on Tuesday is a reflection of what's likely to happen a year from now in a presidential election year, high turnout year, when there are real campaigns going on across the state in a variety of districts between the Democrats and Republicans for control of the Senate.
Labour's position has improved to such a degree over the last two weeks, however, that it is now outpolling the Conservatives among higher turnout demographics such as middle aged women.
Also a good point about higher turnout in presidential years favoring Democrats.
She's expected to hold on, although high turnout means the result isn't expected for a few more hours, James says.
Only their customarily high turnout and overrepresentation among GOP elites kept Mainliners from becoming distinctly junior partners in the Republican coalition.
Based on the overwhelmingly positive response from this summer's IBWSS show in San Francisco, Patel is expecting a similarly high turnout for this show in London.
There is a similarity here with turnout requirements for referendums — where higher turnout is often seen to create both de jure and de facto legitimacy for their results.
I understand that perhaps for purely political reasons a Republican wouldn't want to champion this and risk higher turnout in demographics they don't necessarily have support from, but for a Democrat this seems like something that would be easy to make a case for and would enjoy popular support from the nation.
Paladino was sworn into the post he won with a historically high turnout for a school board race in May.
In Borough Park, Alexander Rapaport tweeted, «Crazy high turnout in Boro Park.
«Ten percent would be a very high turnout,» said Stanley Klein, a Long Island University political science professor.
Polls and pundits have suggested Republicans are likely to retain control, but Democrats have said they are hoping high turnout driven by the presidential race will lead to some surprise victories.
Democrats were confident the typically higher turnout in presidential years would propel them to victory this year.
The head of Monroe County Democrats attributed those results and Tuesday's relatively high turnout to a combination of the national mood and the strength of local candidates.
«There was a massively higher turnout than there was in 2013, and I think it had a lot more to do with national politics than with local.
The president received close to 23 million votes, Interior Minister Abdul Reza Rahmani Fazli said on state television, in an election that had an unexpectedly high turnout of about 70 %.
Each UK election brings with it a call for young people to vote — and, without fail, each UK election so far has failed to see this call translate into dramatically higher turnout among younger voters.
Empirically, if you tell those from Party A that the turnout among those from Party B will be quite high, does that tend to motivate higher turnout or otherwise change voting attitudes?
Everyone with a pulse knew Dems would have super high turnout with Obama on the ballot, even without being policy wonks and reading polls.
«Donald Trump is becoming more unhinged by the day,» Mook said, suggesting that opportunities are growing for Democrats down ballot because of increased enthusiasm and high turnout projections.
While local school board elections rarely bring crowds to the polls on their own, this November's presidential race should yield higher turnout.
And in the Assembly vote the Green percentage held up (meaning with higher turnout many more people voted Green than last time), while the Lib Dem vote collapsed.
«You do see much higher turnout in countries with mandatory voting,» says Nickerson.
Republicans hold a narrow majority in the state Senate and, with a presidential election approaching, Democrats expect higher turnout to benefit down - ballot races.
We were blessed to have Jane Nelsen as the keynote speaker at Parent Empowerment University in Newtown, CT, and had an all time record high turnout (sponsored by Newtown Parent Connection and Brookfield CARES).
The only way to get higher turnout is by having ballot boxes all over the place, but no political party here can afford that (it would be a terrible waste of resources).
«You don't usually see high turnout in these elections so upstate becomes critical I think the Hudson Valley and Long Island have really become a battleground and you're going to see a lot of attention there,» said Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro.
High turnout of Labour voters in Scotland and Wales, where separate elections are taking place, makes the party's attitude important.
So when Libyans went to the polls on July 7, in what international observers characterized as a fair election with high turnout and little violence, Mrs. Clinton and other advocates of the intervention were relieved.
The Labour vote held up quite well in Scotland, what happened was that the SSP and Solidarity collapsed and the Greens and Liberal Democrats had losses - this happened in the Scottish Local Elections as well, the overall votes for Labour were within 1 % of those of the SNP and even as a percentage vote only marginally down on 2003 despite high turnout.
Although UTLA members are not known for high turnout in union elections, more than 50 percent of them voted on the dues increase.
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