Sentences with phrase «high working qualities»

Due to our high working qualities, we have a name among students around the globe.
Employers in the survey said that a college - educated workforce leads to high work quality, productivity, communication, and innovation, among other benefits.

Not exact matches

You want to work with freelancers who really know the material and can be counted on to deliver a high - quality finished product.
I could go on, but all in all, I had a great experience with Of Mercer, and I highly recommend any woman who has trouble finding affordable, high - quality work clothes check out the company's site to see if its dresses, pants, and blazers are the right fit for her.
(Even affluent boomers with a healthy amount saved may want to consider working longer, given recent research that correlates continued involvement in work with better health and a higher quality of life.)
They looked for the highest quality works, even if they were the most expensive.
They work directly with farmers and cut out the middlemen, so their foods are higher quality for less money.
Remote employers need to trust that each team member will do their job and create high - quality work.
Cameron was a senior denim designer at Madewell and global denim director at Calvin Klein, while Winter had worked in merchandising at J.Crew for seven years, and together they brought this fashion expertise to create focused collections of high - quality pieces like jeans.
While working in the UN community in Geneva, founder Cynthia Salim noticed it was difficult to find high - quality women's workwear.
While phone cameras are rapidly improving, the A.I. is currently trained to work only with high quality medical images.
The FDA, which is the ultimate arbiter of safety and efficacy — of high quality tests that are proven to work — is the gold standard, and Theranos wants its tests to be the best and safest for its patients.
«Using a combination of Ford's advanced manufacturing and American hard work and ingenuity, we'll deliver more high - quality Lincoln Navigators and Ford Expeditions to customers than originally planned,» he added.
Rather, «it's how they practice: with full attention, focused on high - quality work, and in chunks of 60 to 90 minutes separated by short breaks.
Over the past 18 months, J.Crew has worked hard to position itself as a luxury brand that provides high - quality basics to the likes of celebrities and high - profile leaders like Michelle Obama.
After the publisher has agreed to run your article, it's vital that you produce content of the highest quality and then work tooth and nail to drive traffic to the published article — just as you would for a blog post on your own site.
It's not essential that a working plan be printed on high - quality paper and enclosed in a fancy binder.
Employers can leverage gamified techniques like leaderboards, points and badges to incentivize high - quality work, improve client interactions and reward team accomplishments.
When we love what we do, delivering high quality work comes naturally, and going the extra mile is not considered a sacrifice.
The higher the quality of work we produce with consistency, and the more open and willing we are to hear, give and receive feedback with the clientele we work with, the easier it is to develop mutually beneficial relationships.
«We source long, fine cashmere from inner Mongolia and work with a sweater - only factory that has been in the business for over 16 years and offers very high - quality production.»
«If you provide the right technology to keep in touch, maintain regular communication and get the right balance between remote and office working, people will be motivated to work responsibly, quickly and with high quality
High quality work, service and effort are critical when securing referrals.
«Small business owners should not worry about [a higher minimum], because they will get a higher quality of work, and your business will get much bigger returns from happier customers if you have happy employees doing a good job for you,» Nguyen says.
You feel like you can peel off a Netflix movie or a high - res photo as though it were a high - quality brochure, and it's an engrossing way to work.
But chances are, given distractions like online entertainment, office snacking habits and ill - designed time management, we're only churning out high - quality work a portion of each day.
The fussy work looks more like a craft — say, needlepoint or weaving — than high - tech manufacturing, though each of the thousands of cables has its own serial number for quality control and traceability.
What may work, and I also found the seeds of this strategy in the story, is that the Post becomes a high quality content operation back - office for Amazon.
She produces high - quality work; and hiring her has been a vastly superior investment.
If you treat fulltime employees well, they might go above and beyond for you, taking on extra responsibilities and working extra hard to make sure everything they produce is of the highest quality.
Jason, it turned out, was amazed by the resume's high quality: Since the two men had worked together, Terrell had gone on to do great things in his career.
It's only likely to work among companies that, like Patagonia, feature a shareholder base with a long - term orientation (Patagonia is privately held), a long - standing commitment to sustainability, and high - quality products.
For less than $ 20, you get a high - quality armband so you can keep your smartphone close at hand while working out.
This can work for the consumer if it delivers on the promise of facilitating access to high - quality primary care in more ways than currently delivered in the rather bare bones CVS Minute Clinics.
Working with a freelancer is an awesome opportunity to get high - quality work done, while also establishing a beneficial professional relationship.
It's there so they can get recognition for their «work,» and compete with one another to release the highest - quality files fastest.
Among them: enhanced dialogue, better decision - making (including more valuable dissent), improved risk mitigation / crisis management, higher - quality management guidance, more orderly work, positive change to the boardroom culture and the behavior of men.
Demonstrate a good work ethic and a commitment to high quality, and your team will know that's the standard and up their game accordingly.
The company can't easily take on new work since it lacks what Bathe, using a sports term, calls «bench strength» — high - quality backup performers whom it can enlist at times of increased demand.
Great storytelling and great results start with a team that strives every day to do work of the highest quality.
Thanks to high - quality materials, it will work well for any sleeping position
These high - quality pieces won't need frequent replacing, they're perfect for working out, and stylish enough for casual wear.
This was the case for Luis: His work experience gave him the technical expertise and his parenting role gave him the motivation to move from creating blockbuster action games to making high - quality educational apps.
We do this by sending out regular business updates, newsletters, detailed semiannual and annual reports, audited financial statements, and we organize an annual general meeting where we present the past, present and future with detailed updates from the BECO team, portfolio companies and the professional service providers that we work with to produce accurate and high quality reporting.
M2C companies espouse high - quality products at lower prices because they make direct relationships with manufacturers rather than working through the traditional importer to brand to buyer relationships.
For the same reason people put up with difficult but talented people in any industry: because of the very high quality of the work.
«In a world in which our attention is increasingly under siege, better focus makes it possible get more work done, in less time, at a higher level of quality,» the two write.
We're increasing enrollment in high - quality early education, raising standards in our public schools as a leader in implementing the Common Core curriculum and working with the business community on STEM programs that are relevant to the job market.
If your office is like most, your employees think about work in terms of hours, which runs totally counter to driving high - quality output across the board.
This close - knit team has a reputation for delivering high quality work.
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