Sentences with phrase «higher acid levels»

Research shows that higher acid levels (lower pH level) lead to a lack of energy and higher incidences of infection.
The grape tends to have high acid levels that make it a good choice to produce as a sweet wine.
Last year alone, exporters rejected almost half of the cocoa beans produced, because they were too small with high acid levels.
People with type 1 diabetes are particularly at risk of high acid levels.
The high acid levels commonly interfere with the activity of enzymes from the pancreas, resulting in diarrhea and fatty, smelly stools (steatorrhea).
Having high acid levels and low base levels translates to less bone and muscle mass and that's something we want to avoid at all costs.
The higher the acid level the more corrosive it is to the seals and solenoids in the ABS / VSC systems.
Dogs require high acid levels in their digestive tracts in order to effectively break down foods.
High acid levels can help to dissolve one of the two most common urinary stone types - struvite.

Not exact matches

They're a good source of omega - 3 fatty acids, for instance, while organ meats have higher levels of some vitamins and iron.
And one of the markers of gout is high uric acid levels.
Compared with non-organic milk and meat, the organic alternatives contain much higher levels of beneficial omega - 3 fatty acids, new research reveals.
Cows are raised out in pastures with free range to roam have less saturated fat and higher levels of Omega - 3 fatty acids.
That's at least in part because the fish has high levels of omega - 3 fatty acids.
It also delivers higher levels of a special fat called conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, which increases blood flow to the brain, extends the life of brain cells, and counteracts the effects of the stress hormone cortisol.
Chia seeds have an amazing nutritional value, are high in fibre and omega 3 fatty acids which are great for healthy brain and to reduce the cholesterol, they have a high protein value which helps to boost energy and stabilise blood sugar levels.
Goji berries are considered a «superfood» because of their unique high - level of antioxidants: minerals including calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, amino acids (protein), vitamins including vitamin A, and vitamin C, polysaccharides, monosaccharides, EFA's, carotenoids and phenol antioxidants.
Ferreira's previous research found that beer marinades effectively reduce levels of another group of carcinogens called heterocyclic amines (HCAs), which form when amino acids, sugars, and creatine in meats react at high temperatures.
Besides glucose from complex carbs, essential fatty acids from whole foods like avocados are the «good» fats that are absolutely essential from your brain to run at its optimum level, helping with concentration, memory and overall production of that happy serotonin we all want high levels of.
«Quinoa's key nutritional distinguishing factor is its high level of lysine, an amino acid necessary for the synthesis of protein, making it one of the best sources of plant protein.»
(4) Grass - fed beef consistently contains a higher proportion of stearic acid, which even the mainstream scientific community acknowledges does not raise blood cholesterol levels.
Eating Apples, have lower levels of acid and higher sugar content, giving them the sweet flavour that makes them delicious to eat — but also means -LSB-...]
Many granolas are also loaded with seeds, which have a very high level of Omega - 6 fatty acids, which promote inflammation.
These dairy proteins contain high levels of branch chain amino acids and natural enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients the body needs to build and maintain muscle, replenish nutrients and regulate metabolism.
CoffeeBerry Brand Whole Coffee Fruit products are loaded with high levels of scienti?cally studied phenolic acids, such as chlorogenic acids, and other bene?cial nutrients not available from the green coffee bean alone.
Where possible, it's important to purchase organic and 100 % grass fed and finished lamb, which will contain higher amounts of healthy fats including omega - 3 fatty acids, bringing another level of wholesome nourishment to build energy and stamina.
AppleActiv contains a rich polyphenol blend with high levels of antioxidants, flavonoids, quercetin, triterpenoids, ursolic acid, vitamins and minerals.
Nuts do not contain much phytic acid but do contain high levels of enzyme inhibitors.
«EVOO has higher smoke point than virgin olive oil because VOO typically has higher levels of free fatty acids and those free fatty acids are more susceptible to thermal degradation,» Ravetti explains.
Almonds also contain high levels of healthy unsaturated fatty acids in addition to many bioactive molecules that can help lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of several cancers, and prevent cardiovascular heart diseases.
Acai has more antioxidants than almost any other fruit and contain high levels of amino acids and fiber.
Made in small batches each summer from the milk of grass - fed cows, pasture butter contains higher levels of conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) and omega 3 and 6's than regular butter.
The company's Dawn Omega Milk - fresh milk with a high omega - 3 fatty acid levels - is just one example.
(Grass - fed dairy also has higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, and a more beneficial ratio of omega - 3 to omega - 6 fatty acids.)
Nutritional information Serves 6 This brothy soup provides heart - healthful nutrition on many levels: kale and garlic are good for the cardiovascular system; wheat berries are high in fiber; and shiitake mushrooms contain eritadenine, an amino acid that speeds up processing of cholesterol in the liver.
Because the higher pH level inactivates pepsin which is an enzyme involved in breaking down food proteins and a main reason of acid reflux.
Tuna fish has very high levels of omega - 3 fatty acids, which help to reduce omega - 6 fatty acids and cholesterol in the arteries and blood vessels.
Sesame seeds have high levels of amino acids, antioxidants and vitamin E. Roasted sesame seed tahini has a deeper, nuttier flavor but may go rancid faster than raw tahini.
Additionally, the kangaroo diet led to a rise in the plasma levels of the polyunsaturated fatty acid arachidonic acid, which is high in the meat, and which has a positive effect on blood flow.
High levels of phytic acid in the context of a diet low in calcium and vitamin D resulted in rickets and a severe lack of bone formation.
Some have heard about the unbelievably high levels of omega - 3 fatty acids and other nutrients present in Chia seeds.
Seed oils have very high levels of omega - 6 fatty acids and lower levels of good - for - you omega - 3s.
But high phytic acid levels over weeks and months can be very problematic.
Chia seeds contain extremely high levels of omega - 3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, calcium, and many essential minerals.
Cacao contains irritating tannins and is said to be extremely high in phytic acid, although studies verifying phytic acid levels in cacao could not be located.
Due to its high levels of amino acids, matcha green tea has a deep and complex taste, initially bitter but with a sweet aftertaste.
3) Reduces Stress: It also contains high levels of L - theanine, an amino acid which lowers stress levels but preserves alertness.
Ultimately, this creates a complete protein source that has higher levels of healthy omega - 3 and conjugated linoleic fatty acids and is free from any potential allergens or contaminants.
But soy lecithin also contains fairly high levels of an anti-nutrient called phytic acid.
Grass - fed dairy contains lower levels of saturated fats and high concentrations of healthy omega - 3 and conjugated linoleic fatty acids — both of which have cardiovascular and metabolic benefits.
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