Sentences with phrase «higher chance of infection»

This allows for bacteria to get into the skin, causing a higher chance of infection.

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Children born through birth interventions also had higher chances of developing respiratory infections, metabolic disorders and even eczema.
«Your chances of getting HIV are three to four times higher if you already have genital herpes, which is a very strong motivation for developing new ways of preventing herpes infection,» Shukla said.
This infection period, which is often missed by standard testing, is a time when someone has a high chance of passing on their infection.
This can lead to substantially higher early viral loads, which in turn can increase the chance of the infection spreading to the brain and worsen clinical outcome.
In the rare chance that an Olympic traveler catches Zika and exports the virus to another country with mosquitoes that could spread it around, Scott Weaver, a leading Zika specialist and the director of the Institute for Human Infections and Immunity at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, says there's likely little reason for worry: «It is likely that rates of human immunity in many other parts to the world that are permissive for circulation, such as tropical Africa and Asia, are already high enough to preclude major epidemics like we are seeing in the completely naive populations of the Americas.»
Forget all those folks who say this test is «fake» and worthless, when you get a positive here and are positive to the several other tests I've outlined here, your chances of having a yeast infection are a lot higher.
You see, when you have psoriasis you may have a weakened immune response and have various other dysfunctions such as hormonal or digestive that can make you more prone to other auto - immune illnesses, an increased chance of infections and also a higher risk of food allergies or food sensitivities.
According to a study, wrestlers have 33 % higher chance of receiving this skin infection while sparring with an infected athlete in comparison of normal human beings.
Vitamin K is in high supply within alfalfa sprouts, which can increase the speed of blood clotting in the body, making the healing process for wounds faster, and thus reducing the chance of infection.
If you have sex with someone who carries the virus, your chances of contracting the infection are pretty high.
When Lili is given the chance for sex - reassignment surgery («this is not my body, professor, please take it away»), she is told that the two operations needed to make him fully a woman have a high risk of «failure, infections, complications».
Guinea pigs have a higher chance of getting an infected surgery site after being neutered, so careful surgical technique, antibiotics, and keeping them extremely clean for the week after the surgery helps decrease the risk of infection.
The high heat of laser energy kills bacteria and microorganisms as it moves through diseased areas, reducing the chance of infection.
THERE IS NO GOOD SOLUTION ONCE THE CAT IS INFECTED WITH HEARTWORMS Treatment of the infection has a high chance of serious complications, including death!
While there have not been any cases of death from an allergy to Orijen, the longer your dog is eating a food that weakens his immune system, the higher his chances he may develop a more serious secondary infection.
When your pet receives multiple courses of antibiotics for chronic infections, the chances are high that bacteria will eventually develop resistance to those antibiotics.
Then there is a high chance that you might encounter upper respiratory infection in one or more of your fostered felines.
Regular grooming, bathing and providing dogs with high fat content foods can reduce the chances of getting a yeast infection in dog.
Chances are, each response was unique in some way, but you've probably heard of the high - efficacy applications such as chronic pain syndromes, post-surgical incisions, ear infections, and rehab cases.
Crush injuries frequently lead to severe disability, and have a high chance of additional complications, including infection, swelling, blood clots, phantom pain, the need for further amputation, and heart problems.
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