Sentences with phrase «higher fraction»

Among Canadian and U.K. buyers, the share of non-resident foreign buyers decreased, which means a higher fraction of purchases came from resident foreign buyers.
Plug - in hybrids with a longer electric range have a higher fraction of miles assigned to electricity.
Given a longer linear growth period it is reasonable to expect a higher fraction of the potential response being realized.
And we have to introduce some reality here too — ie something like allow the Chinese and Indians to raise their standard of living (GDP per capita) to a higher fraction of the EU and USA than it is currently.
A much higher fraction of passengers from the cheaper decks were lost.
It's almost certain that ebooks, because they're often self published, and even when traditionally published have higher royalty rates than print, make up a substantially higher fraction of author earnings than they do of consumer spending.
Despite some enthusiastic exploration of its narrow powerband, we achieved around 52mpg in mixed driving, so with a higher fraction of cruising and with economy a little more in mind, the mid 60s would be a plausible target.
So it's something of a surprise that a higher fraction of Swedish students go to privately run (and mostly for - profit) schools than in the U.S. * The system was put in place in the early 1990s by a center - right (by Swedish standards) government, inspired by the ideas of the godfather of free market economics, Milton Friedman.
In fact, other countries, like South Korea and the Netherlands, send a higher fraction of students to privately run schools.
It's OK to eat a somewhat higher fraction of carbs too, especially for women eating fewer total calories.
Excluding genes with homology evidence for immune function, 42.24 % of induced genes encode proteins with bioinformatic evidence for a signal peptide, a significantly higher fraction that the 15.95 % of non-induced and non-immune genes that encode a protein with bioinformatic evidence for a signal peptide (P = 3.4 × 10 − 15, Fisher's Exact Test).
In general, the higher the fraction of tumor DNAs in blood, the more accurate the program was at producing a diagnostic result.
They argue that the Great Migration of African Americans out of the South was genetically biased: African Americans with a higher fraction of European ancestry, who often have lighter skin, had better social opportunities and were thus in a better position to migrate to northern and Western states.
As the lighter versions are easier to knock out into space with a stray cosmic ray or extra energy from solar photons, a higher fraction of heavy isotopes remaining in Mars's present - day atmosphere means much of the original atmosphere has been lost.
The scientists found significant geographical discrepancies: a much higher fraction of the fish stocks were overexploited and depleted in biomass in the Mediterranean, compared with the northeast Atlantic.
The higher the fraction of oxygen, the more readily it diffuses into body tissues.
This means that this region will have a higher fraction of low - mass stars than in other zones of the galaxy.
Controls aged three years and older were characterised by a higher fraction of butyrate - producing species within Clostridium clusters IV and XIVa than was seen in the corresponding diabetic children or in children from the younger age groups, while the diabetic children older than three years could be differentiated by having an unusually high microbial diversity.
The scaffolds that were more tightly woven hosted a higher fraction of surviving follicles after 8 days, an effect the team attributes to the follicles having better physical support.
By altering the balance of native plants in favor of a higher fraction of invasive plants, deer change forest plant ecology.
Do you honestly believe that MANA is out to deceive people and deliberately mischart and lie so that a slightly higher fraction of 1 % of women will choose to birth at home or hire a CPM?
Women account for a higher fraction of businesses without employees (40 percent) than those with employees (36 percent).
These observations help clarify the origin of the powerful jet of gas streaming from the galaxy's center at a high fraction of the speed of light: it is likely driven by the swirling matter near the black hole's boundary.»
After analyzing the data, researchers found radiocesium from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in the sediment samples along with a high fraction of clay material, which is characteristic of shelf and slope sediments suggesting a near shore source.
The highest fraction that the United States has achieved is 2.88 %.
Dr David Armstrong from the University of Warwick's Astronomy and Astrophysics Group, commented: «Mercury stands out from the other Solar System terrestrial planets, showing a very high fraction of iron and implying it formed in a different way.
As a result, a survey by Science found that a surprisingly high fraction of leading scientists would refuse to work for the Trump administration.
The tendency of very massive galaxies to contain a high fraction of low - mass stars at their centers is a recent discovery, and is still in some ways controversial, but is reinforced by the work reported here.
More than 20 % of stem cells circulating in the patients» blood contained the new gene after 3 weeks — an unusually high fraction — and both men began producing functional NADPH oxidase.
We observe a high fraction of red giants in binary systems, for which g - dominated mixed modes ar... ▽ More The frequencies of oscillation modes in stars contain valuable information about the stellar properties.
Such colonies did not form from the HIGH fraction.
The five disciplines displaying the highest fraction of significant micro-sectors were Pedagogy (3 micro-sectors out 4 with), Geography (1 out of 2), Medicine (15 out of 50), Mathematics (2 out of 9) and Civil Engineering (4 out of 22)(Supplementary Tables 1 and 2 in Supporting Information S1).
Seniors are typically admitted to second - or third - tier colleges, though it is a point of pride that a high fraction of these students find the inner resources to graduate from college.
School districts that already had higher fractions of students enrolled in private schools, even accounting for the urban or rural location of the district, had a greater likelihood of having a charter school open in their district by 2003 — 04 and a greater share of their students enrolled in charters.
You may begin the application process with a high fraction, but if approved the percentage looks much better when you spread the expenditures out over a greater length of time.
Runoff from steep ice - cliffs, or through subglacial flow driven by water percolating through pores or fractures, will convert a high fraction of melting into ablation.
That is, to me, a surprisingly high fraction...
Given this pattern and the high fraction of nutrient enriched, productive reservoirs in our GHG database (of systems where trophic status data were available, 38 % and 24 % were eutrophic and mesotrophic respectively), it is likely that a large fraction of reservoirs are highly productive and therefore support high CH4 emission rates.
Thus, increasingly high fractions of algae - derived organic matter will likely support more methane production.
Still, I don't think there's much doubt that all sources pretty much agree that a pretty high fraction of climate scientists agree with (most of) the consensus.
The common view is that a high fraction of renewable power generation would be costly, and would either often leave us in the dark or would require massive electrical storage.
«The common view is that a high fraction of renewable power generation would be costly and would either often leave us in the dark or require massive electrical storage,» say the researchers.
The places that will be hardest hit are the places that already have high water stress (a high fraction of available water already in use) and a low capacity of the community to adapt (ie, economic resources, water management plans).

Not exact matches

A small fraction of those business owners pay the top individual tax rate of 39.6 percent, higher than the current top corporate income tax rate of 35 percent.
Nonetheless, Fossil shares are back to where they were about a year ago at $ 15.33 after precipitous drops in the last 12 months, but just a fraction of their $ 131.98 all - time highs only six years ago.
Moreover, the rate of growth in the fraction of non-employers (28.2 percent) run by women has been higher than the rate of increase in their share of non-employers (23 percent) over the past five years.
But while automated trading accounts for about 75 percent of all financial market volume, just a tiny fraction of independent or amateur traders use them due to the complex technology, need for massive historical data and high costs.
Sarao's arrest immediately rekindled the debate over market speed and high - frequency traders who are able to execute — and cancel — orders in fractions of a second.
Losses exceeded $ 230 million in 2016, yet the bureau estimates that only a fraction of crimes are even reported, putting the likely actual number much higher.
While Maybach represents a fraction of Mercedes's total deliveries, which last year amounted to 2.4 million vehicles, boosting sales of high - earning models is a necessary counterbalance to ballooning spending that's weighing on earnings.
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