Sentences with phrase «higher gasoline prices»

High oil prices are at the root of high gasoline prices.
The disruption will mean that much of the country could see higher gasoline prices soon.
As car buyers continue to face high gasoline prices, the shift toward more efficient vehicles continues.
95 % of the shops surveyed said customers cited high gasoline prices as a reason for their transportation - related purchases.
In what his aides called one of the most significant policy addresses of his second and final term, the mayor argued that directly taxing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change will slow global warming, promote economic growth and stimulate technological innovation — even if it results in higher gasoline prices in the short term.
With higher gasoline prices hammering the sales of big pickups and SUVs, the people at Hummer are thinking smaller.Hummer will have a small SUV concept — named Hummer HX — at the Detroit auto show in...
Nonetheless, the PHEV can certainly provide the relief many of these commuters need from higher gasoline prices.
Experts predict that Americans will hit the road in near - record numbers over the Thanksgiving weekend despite higher gasoline prices, USA Today reports.
Likewise for the growing sport / utility vehicle segment, which was barely impacted by high gasoline prices that now are retreating from last month levels.
Even with the tariff, U.S. ethanol exports hit a record high in February, thanks largely to rising Brazilian demand as higher gasoline prices and low international sugar prices made ethanol more competitive at the pump.
Drivers who plan to hit the road over Labor Day weekend will face higher gasoline prices because of the impact of Hurricane Harvey on the nation's refineries and pipelines.
There is no conflict between bemoaning high global oil prices and contending that we need higher gasoline prices.
But the month also brought high gasoline prices, raising questions about how the industry's recovery could be affected if Middle East turmoil keeps gas prices high.
Other transitory factors, including higher gasoline prices and recent minimum wage increases are now expected to raise inflation above the bank's January predictions.
Higher gasoline prices encourage more judicious use of vehicles, which translates into drivers spending less on fuel in a given year.
But today's high gasoline prices mean U.S. diesel owners can enjoy short payback periods and even some additional savings.
He said higher gasoline prices could push up inflation «temporarily.»
Toyota Yaris is one of a trio of new Japanese subcompacts that come to our shores at an opportune time, when high gasoline prices are steering consumers toward smaller cars.Along... Read more
In other words, fearing high gasoline prices, tight energy supplies and global warming, a significant number of people have an unsavory opinion of big sport - utilities, such as the Ford Expedition and Chevrolet Suburban.
Higher short - term rates coupled with debt levered balance sheets, doubling of credit card minimum payments (coming to consumer door steps in January 2006), high gasoline prices topped with a sprinkle of significantly higher heating costs may push consumer off the shopping train - lowering demand for Chinese produced goods.
Spending some $ 4 billion in federal money on a program that runs counter to U.S. energy goals, and will saddle consumers with vehicles they may regret purchasing once higher gasoline prices return, is not sensible policy.
Mandating ethanol and advanced biofuels will lead to higher gasoline prices for motorists.
This acute association explains why American politicians choose the lead up to Memorial Day to trot out plans to address high gasoline prices.
«As gas prices rise, using public transportation is the quickest way people can beat high gasoline prices,» states William Millar, president American Public Transportation Association (APTA).
In contrast, here's what is really happening, legally and otherwise, that could seriously clip Horgan's wings: On Monday, Alberta will put in motion legislation to cut off oil supplies to B.C., a measure that is expected to boost already high gasoline prices in the Lower Mainland.
The non-monetary costs of energy production now loom so large that governments are stuck in policy gridlock, unable to approve any new option that could help meet rising demand — with results ranging from higher gasoline prices to the rolling blackouts that Japan is now experiencing.
The historic depreciation in crude oil in the midwest over the past year actually coincided (correlation, not causation) with higher gasoline prices.
With Americans feeling better about their finances, they will hit the road in near - record numbers over the Thanksgiving weekend despite higher gasoline prices, experts predict.
Polls nonetheless suggest that a majority of Americans see high gasoline prices and oil imports from other, less friendly countries as equally great evils.
Total CPI inflation has been somewhat more subdued than projected in the January MPR as a result of weaker core inflation and lower mortgage interest costs, which were only partially offset by higher gasoline prices.
As the recent McKinsey report on CO2 pointed out, as Amory Lovins has been saying for years, and as high gasoline prices are now making more and more evident, the first steps we can take in being more efficient and switching to cleaner technologies will pay for themselves.
Retail sales increased 0.4 percent in June, lifted by demand for automobiles and higher gasoline prices.
Infographic: CEOs weigh in on how today's high gasoline prices have affected organizations — and how they're responding.
Hastings said the falloff could be a function of the higher gasoline prices in the region as shoppers look to consolidate trips to save on gas.
However the high gasoline prices of the past year and increased acceptance of home - charged electric cars are helping condition consumers to adopt urban vehicles with limited range as a trade - off to escape the high cost of gasoline.
Milder temperatures, along with an extended payroll tax break, mean more green in your wallet — helping ease the crush of higher gasoline prices.
Other than conquests, another thing driving Ram sales are buyers returning to a segment that they fled due to high gasoline prices and the economic recession.
«At a time of high gasoline prices, consumers have never had a bigger selection of small cars that earn Top Safety Pick.»
High gasoline prices and new federal fuel - economy legislation making its way through Congress helped «doom a car that would have been substantially bigger than our largest sedan, the Chrysler 300C,» said Chrysler spokesman Dave Elshoff of the Imperial.
The rise in overall inflation last month was largely attributable to higher gasoline prices, which rose 4.7 per cent from a year earlier.
Policymakers said the transitory impact of higher gasoline prices and recent minimum wage increases will likely cause inflation in 2018 to be modestly higher than expected and the economy is projected to operate slightly above its potential over the next three years.
That's right, higher gasoline prices.
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