Sentences with phrase «higher intelligence need»

For those who claim that non-belief in a higher being is correlated with higher intelligence need to dig into the history books a little more where you will find most if not all great historical figures, inventors and «brilliant» minds (e.g. Socrates, Newton, Galileo, Einstein) believed in a higher being or through deductive / inductive reasoning eventually believed in a higher being (e.g. Einstein).

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The benefits of intelligence touch every task of your marketing and sales teams — letting them to target the highest - value accounts, market to each target prospect based on specific needs and preferences, and produce more qualified leads.
luvnit Studies have shown that the lower the intelligence, the more need of religion, the higher the intelligence, the less need.
The NIH will no longer fund experiments using chimpanzees — based on animal welfare criteria — which is understandable, given chimpanzees» high intelligence and social needs.
Ideally, you need to show a high level of social intelligence, too.
Someone with high physical / kinaesthetic intelligence tends to need constant action.
But in addition to his high intelligence I think the party needs leadership qualities, and Ed's got more of them.»
This kind of imagery was, for much of the 20th century, part of the eyes - only world of intelligence; from the design of a nuclear submarine to the movement of Israeli troops, one needed high - level clearance for a glimpse.
Once evolutionary relationships were factored in, the data showed that animals with big brains for their body size need a significantly higher percentage of REM sleep — supporting a role in intelligence and cognitive function.
One faculty advisor wrote that she «has that rare combination of intelligence, drive, compassion and interpersonal skills needed to excel at the highest levels,» adding that it is clear she may one day be «a leader in the new field of personalized medicine.»
In order to date them, you need a high level of strength, intelligence, and charm, as only then you will be able to approach the girls.
Moving students from a belief in the limits of intelligence can counter the argument for tracking by increasing academic achievement for all students, including high needs subgroups.
But since intelligence can not be drawn from the void, subterfuge are resorted to, one of the most prevalent being the mania for «demystification», which allows an air of intelligence to be conveyed at small cost, for all one need do is assert that the normal response to a particular phenomenon is «prejudiced» and that it is high time it was cleared of the «legends» surrounding it; if the ocean could be made out to be a pond or the Himalayas a hill, it would be done.
She's genetically modified with no need for sleep, and along with that comes abnormally high intelligence.
For a computer to rival the ability of the human mind to spot high - probability entries in the market, we would need to have artificial intelligence, and we are not at that stage in computer development yet.
These good dogs need affection, companionship, and mental stimulation to stay happy, and their high intelligence will make training easy and enjoyable.
Usually not dog fighters, though you can find fighters in all breeds Medium to high intelligence, needs things to do to prevent boredom.
However, their high intelligence also means that they need diversity in order to remain engaged in a certain activity.
Everybody knows that they are working dogs (mostly used for sledding and for carrying supplies and humans), which translates to high energy levels, innate intelligence and the constant need to be active.
Cons — These dogs have high energy and intelligence, which means they need lots of exercise and challenging play.
But high intelligence also means that your Border Collie will need lots of stimulation to keep it busy.
This is true for any dog owner, but the high intelligence level, energy, and curiosity, Labradoodles need thorough training — and training involves much more than basic obedience command mastery.
Known for superior intelligence, high level of energy, and affection this small mix dogs display towards their owners, they are easy to train and need daily exercise.
Most of all, there needs to be some degree of intelligence made visible, making itself apparent through the toil and tangle of working with such high ambitions.
Increasing charging intelligence reduces the need for energy storage to reach high renewable penetration levels.
Yet, what quantum of intelligence, or IQ, is needed to perform at a high level?
Emotional intelligence results in higher salary and better job performance, that's why you need to know what it is and how to improve it.
After Google Clips was announced in October, I opined about how the company is pushing artificial intelligence into a high - stakes activity that needs to just work.
A good dose of higher innate intelligence helps as well, something that a singer does not necessarily need.
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