Sentences with phrase «higher management fees because»

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Note that the ETF MERs are likely to be slightly higher because certain operating expenses such as brokerage commissions and harmonized sales taxes will be charged to the fund in addition to the management fee.
Bernie Geiss of Cove Financial Planning in North Vancouver, B.C., argues against investing in seg funds, because the management fees are typically higher than similar mutual funds.
That's because, unlike many other financial innovations, they don't load you up with heavy management fees, or tie you down with high redemption charges if you decide to get out of... Read More
Assuming active investing expenses are 2 % (some may be more, some may be less, but certainly none will be less than the passive investing expenses because of management fees and higher trading costs etc), then the active group would have made 10 % - 2 % = 8 % on average.
That's because, unlike many other financial innovations, they don't load you up with heavy management fees, or tie you down with high redemption charges if you decide to get out of them.
I say «at best,» because the demonstrated naivete and mistakes in personal investment management of millions of individual investors, makes it likely that their involvement in the securities markets is already a slightly «negative sum» game even before they pay such high investment fees and costs.
Now I use index mutual funds: their management fees are higher, but my overall costs are lower, because I can add money and rebalance the portfolio without paying commissions.
It has a reasonable management fee, has a high trailing dividend yield (which will inevitably come down because of all the dividend cuts in the sector), and has been around since 2001.
TFR is not a fan of active mutual funds, because of the sizable drag of management fees on overall performance, their high portfolio turnover, and their requirement to hold significant cash to cover drawdowns creating another performance drag.
We also received a D in regulation and taxation because of «steep investment taxes» levied on fund management fees and a high tax bill on investment returns.
Both impose relatively high management fees — 1.47 percent annually at Portfolio 21, 1.48 percent at Green Century — because they are actively managed funds and they engage in useful, but costly, shareholder advocacy.
Now, if the PM company is saying that the asset needs a lot of hands - on management, and they require someone to be on site daily because it is in a Class D area for instance then maybe that would warrant such a high fee.
They are strongly incentivized to charge high management fees and have high tenant turnover, because hey... what recourse does the hapless buyer have, it's just mo» money in the pocket of the Turkey provider, after all (in other words - caveat emptor, mater frotteurs!
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