Sentences with phrase «higher mortality»

Without these medications we would see higher mortality / morbidity rates, shorter life spans, and degraded quality of life in our companion animals.
The end result is that community cats are by far the greatest source of kitten births and of cat admissions to animal shelters, even when the higher mortality rate for community kittens is factored in.
The mortality rate is 1 - 5 % for Canine Influenza virus, with a higher mortality rate in racing greyhounds.
Higher mortality rates were also observed in patients with:
Female dogs do not go through menopause like women dog; instead their fertility sharply decreases and each litter becomes smaller while holding a higher mortality risk for the newborns.
We highly recommend it for dogs with significant risk factors: a «snub - nose» anatomy (snub - nose breeds are very susceptible to respiratory infections, have a higher mortality rate, and have a harder time clearing the disease), heart and / or pulmonary disease (such as dogs with congestive heart failure, a history of heartworm infestation, etc), suppressed immune systems (such as after chemo therapy), and competition dogs (show dogs, performance dogs, search & rescue dogs, etc).
It would appear these cats would have a much higher mortality rate.
When you consider the magnitude of these illnesses — and the higher mortality rates they carry — it's easy to see why insurance companies charge smokers higher premiums.
In fact, people who feel they do not have a connection to others are believed to have a higher mortality rate than those who do (even the disillusioned).
As Birenbaum explains in a YouTube video, how much you receive from an annuity is very much age - related and the later you start, the higher the mortality credits (which you get from pooling longevity risk with others).
The majority of early retirees are in poorer health and have higher mortality risk than age 65 retirees, and only a minority have health and mortality risk as good as that of age 65 retirees.
All transitions are imbued with risk and possibility, but for transplant recipients transition from pediatric to adult care is a decidedly perilous time when adolescents and young adults have higher mortality rates than their younger cohorts.
If they marry someone 7 - 9 years younger they have an 11 % higher mortality rate.
Other newer studies have pointed in the same direction — red unprocessed meat isn't associated with diabetes type two, higher mortality, or heart disease, while red processed meat usually is.
Never studies, one from Harvard and the other from Europe, both found no health risks related to eating unprocessed red meat, while processed meat was connected to a higher mortality rate.
Why would lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levels be associated with a higher mortality rate?
WAPF Response: Several studies have shown that taking betacarotene supplements result in higher mortality.
2) They don't consider the fact that many of the study participants who ate a high carbohydrate diet were also living in poverty and therefore had higher mortality risk from a number of other factors including lack of access to medical care, and malnutrition.
We know from observational studies that in humans low carb diets are associated with higher mortality.
And, research indicates that chronically elevated cortisol levels are accompanied by higher mortality risks.
The fact is that humans on low carb / high fat / high protein diets (call them keto, paleo, Atkins or whatever you want) also experience higher mortality.
But what about the studies showing that people with the highest cholesterol live the longest, and that vegetarians have higher mortality?
Yet in addition to being potentially addictive and causing brain fog, sleeping pills have been linked in several studies to higher mortality rates and cancer — even in people only taking them less than 20 times a year.
I read some where that hospital births had a higher mortality rate for mothers and infants than home births.
There probably would be higher mortality rates for persons with plaque buildup in their arteries who do a lot of exercise over those who do more moderate.
Mary, a total cholesterol of 129 is extremely dangerous and research shows is associated with a much higher mortality risk of elevated cholesterol.
(15) Studies Cast Doubts The J - Lit study actually showed higher mortality at the lowest serum cholesterol (both total and LDL - C), a paradox called the J - Shaped Curve.
So people consuming more trans fats had higher mortality.
Peter Clifton, professor of nutrition at the University of South Australia, puts it this way: «All data says processed meat is bad: more diabetes, higher mortality, more cardiovascular disease.»
None of this is conclusive evidence of course but multiple studies have shown that low carb diets are associated with higher mortality.
And while researchers again found that excessive salt intake was associated with an increase in systolic high blood pressure, they found that a low - sodium diet was significantly associated with higher mortality from cardiovascular causes:
Truth: Sleeping pills have been proven in 3 large - scale studies to be associated with higher mortality, even when you take them only 20 times per year!
The researchers found higher mortality in individuals with a low level of vitamin D in their blood, but to their surprise, they also found it in those with a high level of vitamin D in their blood.
The scientists emphasize that while they don't know the reason for the higher mortality, they believe that the study results could be used to question the wisdom of those who maintain that you can't ever get too much vitamin D.
Women respond more slowly Women are more likely than men to delay seeking treatment at the first signs of a heart attack, a behavior pattern that has puzzled cardiologists and contributes to the higher mortality rate from heart attack among women.
However, there is conflicting evidence, variably pronouncing there is no relationship at all, that only women suffer a higher mortality rate or even that lefties actually live longer.
But when they looked at waist circumference and waist - to - hip ratio alone — not just overall weight — they found that those factors were strongly associated with a higher mortality risk too.
Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO Director - General, stated that «From past experience, we also know that influenza may cause mild disease in affluent countries, but more severe disease, with higher mortality, in developing countries.»
And another study showed that men with testosterone deficiency had 88 % higher mortality levels than men with normal testosterone.
Recently, researchers from the Copenhagen City Heart Study, which tracked runners of different abilities over 27 years, found that the people who participated in the fastest, longest, and most frequent running had a higher mortality rate than the moderate group and were no different from the couch potatoes!
Lower LDL and lower triglycerides were associated with HIGHER mortality rate.
A new study finds that long - term exposure to fine - particle air pollution — formed by the gasses of cars, power plants, and other sources — is associated with much higher mortality rates from cancers of the breast, upper digestive tract, and other organs.
ASHG 2014: Loss of Y Chromosome Associated with Higher Mortality and Cancer in Men ASHG Press Release — October 21, 2014
Those who had oral cavity cancer and consumed greater amounts of total carbohydrates, total sugars and simple carbohydrates had higher mortality rates.
A recent study, led by SciLifeLab researchers at Uppsala University, shows a correlation between a loss of the Y chromosome in blood cells and both a shorter life span and higher mortality from cancer in other organs.
When the adiposity categories were adjusted for the same set of covariates (Table 6), individuals with abdominal obesity had a higher mortality risk (HR, 1.25; 95 % CI, 1.00 - 1.56; P =.05), although this relationship did not persist after further adjustment for fitness (HR, 0.99; 95 % CI, 0.79 - 1.25; P =.95).
Preclinical diabetic cardiomyopathy was associated with adverse cardiac outcomes and higher mortality at follow - up.
Prepregnancy care in diabetic women of child - bearing age is still unsatisfying, due to consistently increasing rates of serious perinatal complications, including excess malformation rates and higher mortality (Table 3)(341).
A growing number of human studies suggest that a low plasma Aβ42 / Aβ40 ratio is a risk factor for major depression, 45, 46 dementia47 and higher mortality.48 The Framingham Study also showed that increased plasma Aβ42: Aβ40 ratios are associated with decreased risk of AD and dementia.13 Thus, the higher Aβ42 / Aβ40 ratio observed in regular meditators at baseline and the increase in this ratio from pre - to post intervention in the novice meditator and vacation groups may be salutary to brain health.
Data from Australia and New Zealand corroborate a higher mortality risk in women, over 60 years of age and suffering from T2DM after first renal replacement therapy (322).
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