Sentences with phrase «higher pain threshold for»

These days, I've got a lot higher pain threshold for temporary down - turns in the market.
However, the fact is that the market a.k.a the readers have shown that they have a high pain threshold for mistakes if the plot is strong enough and the cover draws them in.

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Instead, book it in for a few days after your period as this is when your pain threshold is highest.
It turns out that those who have family members who have experienced trauma or adverse life events may have a lower threshold for emotional pain and a higher likelihood of suffering from stress or mood disorders.
Anaerobic metabolism produces energy for short, high - intensity bursts of activity lasting no more than several minutes before the lactic acid build - up reach a threshold known as the lactate threshold and muscle pain, burning and fatigue make it difficult to maintain such intensity.
As Chris and Jessie lead the requisite search for help, the horniest guy and girl decide to wait by the car, giving us our first glimpse of the hillbillies from Hell: expert marksmen with super-strength, a high pain threshold, and traces of ESP, they make you wonder what the disadvantage to being inbred is aside from having the face and hygiene of a Dairy Queen employee.
Another fight against King Xerxes» (Rodrigo Santoro) personal guards, nicknamed the Immortals, and a giant with a high threshold for pain is striking.
These dogs were originally bred for fighting and inherited strength, tenacity, and high pain threshold from the Bulldog and agility from terriers.
Even though your cat may not be showing it, cats have a very high threshold for pain, and we can guarantee that they are feeling some degree of pain and discomfort.
This dog also has a high threshold for pain, making it perfect for rambunctious children who are learning how to properly treat dogs.
Last year, the high cost of incarceration reached a threshold of pain for our state leaders, and they started to look at ways to deal with non-violent offenders, particularly by resentencing or altering parole and probation rules for certain classes of offenders.
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