Sentences with phrase «higher projections»

That is a slightly higher projection than those being issued for the nation as a whole.
Other teams with higher projections include the Astros and Cubs.
38 Fig. 20 - 10, p. 475 High Projection New Orleans, Shanghai, and other low - lying cities largely underwater Year Low Projection Medium Projection More than a third of U.S. wetlands underwater Mean Sea - Level Rises (centimeters)
However, bitcoin has since bounced back, with some traders saying it has gone mainstream, while various analysts suggest even higher projections in 2018.
While CBO projects higher projections for wages and taxable corporate profits will boost revenues by about $ 195 billion over the next decade, it also expects changes in interest rates and inflation will increase spending by $ 302 billion over the same period.
A prop bet available on Bovada listed the over / under for the Nielsen rating at 47.5, which seemed like a slightly high projection considering it would have been the highest mark since 1986; however, the over proved to be the winner on Sunday.
These high and low projections, based on 2006 — 07 dollar spending, are the result of calculating historical rates of least and greatest growth and applying those rates to create low and high projections until 2020.
Updates in Brackets Yesterday, I received word of a chillingly high projection of the eventual death count in the Nepal earthquake, made by a longtime and respected analyst of seismic hazards, Max Wyss, who was on the faculties of the Universities of Colorado and Alaska and is now affiliated with the International Center for Earth Simulation in Geneva, Switzerland.
Because the lower boundary is zonally symmetric, composites of days with high projection onto the mode have, to within sampling error, no zonal structure.
As the CBO points out, «higher basic pay today leads to higher projections of future annuities, in turn requiring larger payments today from the military personnel accounts into the retirement fund.»
42 Mean Sea - Level Rises (centimeters) High Projection New Orleans, Shanghai, and other low - lying cities largely underwater Mean Sea - Level Rises (centimeters) Medium Projection More than a third of U.S. wetlands underwater Figure 20.10 Natural capital degradation: projected rise in global sea levels during this century.
I would be happy to bet any member of the IPCC that the world GDP per capita in 2100 will be higher than the IPCC's HIGHEST projection in their Third Assessment Report: The IPCC Economic Projections are also hopelessly wrong
«Our higher deficit forecast largely reflects our higher projections for public debt charges, direct program expenses and children's benefits,» the PBO wrote in its report.
Longer lifespans and rising prescription costs are two of the biggest reasons for the higher projections.
You of course, may feel differently.Figure 1 — GLD is «coiling» and Elliott Wave is still pointing to a higher projection (Source: ProfitSource by HUBB)
Especially in the light of the next verse it is no wonder that Christianity sees in this Servant Song the highest projection of prophetic faith:
Based on Pelton's calculations, which take into account age and how other European prospects» statistics have translated to NBA production, Doncic's WARP projection isn't just higher than Ricky Rubio's and Nikola Jokic's — it's also the highest projection on record, even besting that of a young Anthony Davis.
If you have the higher projection on the HS bat and you take a lower rated college pitcher because he's a college pitcher, your draft approach is poor.
By the end of June 2017 the prison population is projected to be 83,100 on the lower projection, 88,900 on the medium projection and 91,800 on the higher projection
The high projection, which would produce $ 13,208 in per - pupil spending in 2020, is based on an average growth rate of 2.45 percent, similar to the period from 1997 to 2004.
Self - published writers like Amanda Hocking, B.V. Larson, and Hugh Howey have all succeeded beyond the highest projections of publishing houses, with the 50 Shades of Grey series, the Star Force series, and Wool.
Their higher projections are functionally falsified already.
But the summary also acknowledges that studies assessing the extent of warming from a given buildup of greenhouse gases now give lower odds to the highest projections.
page 30: «Current carbon dioxide emissions are, in fact, above the highest emissions scenario developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), implying that if we stay the current course, we're heading for even larger warming than the highest projections from the IPCC.»
«If this trend continues and the natural sinks weaken, we are on track towards the highest projections of climate change,» Dr. Le Quéré said.
I know that temperature projections in the period to 2030 are not highly dependent on projections of GHG emissions, and it is certainly significant that the highest projection for that year is attached to the scenario with lowest sulphate emissions.
Although mangroves will be able to withstand moderate sea level rise, the highest projections for the end of this century are likely to overwhelm many of these ecosystems, according to a new study.
The WGI report also reflects on: major changes in the Arctic and Antarctic, including on an ice - free Arctic in the summer; increased weather and climate extreme events; ocean acidification; and more scientifically robust, higher projections of sea level rise compared to AR4.
IPCC has also shown other scenarios and storylines with «very rapid economic growth» and / or «continuously increasing global population» plus higher projections of CO2 increase, but these appear much less likely to actually occur.
Annual Projected GHG Emissions (Mt CO2e) from Canada's Oil Sands, 2003 — 2020 (showing the range between low and high projections).
Staff is developing low - CI fuel projections that take into account the effect of petroleum prices on the production of biofuels which will result in low, medium, and high projections.
Blue / green line groups show the low, mid and high projections of the 2007 IPCC report, each for six emissions scenarios.
Perhaps you can explain the relevance of your last quotation referencing Church 2001 in the abstract, compared to the more recent TAR which has a higher projection?
These high projections already assume very large decreases in fertility rates from their current average levels of approximately 5 children / woman in Sub-Saharan Africa.
It looks from their Fig 1 that the high projections are coming from models that massively overpredicted the recent warming too.
Incorporating these processes in some models leads to higher projections of global mean sea level rise by the year 2100: 0.26 to 0.98 meters under RCP 2.6, and 0.93 to 2.43 meters under RCP 8.5.
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