Sentences with phrase «higher public perception»

So maybe it takes a group of physicians, who enjoy much a much higher public perception than politicians, to publicly encourage higher taxes for high earners, starting with them personally.

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When Northwestern University realized that its rankings were far higher than the public's perception, it decided to develop a new story about the school.
There's a common perception that once you go public, the stakes are higher and therefore the pressure intensifies.
Economists have long accepted the notion that inflation can stay high or low simply because of public perceptions.
Branded Link Building — Authority — Link Diversity Online Reputation Management and Public Perception Campaigns Public Relations, Brand Awareness and Goodwill High Authoritative & High Trust Backlinking
Public confusion over the retail sale of medicinal and recreational cannabis runs high, likely due to the confluence of inconsistent law enforcement and the perception that if so many such businesses exist surely they could not be illegal.
Public opinion and public perception both favor the higher - ranked team, but «early line movement off of» the opening line suggests that some big money is coming in on the team the public Public opinion and public perception both favor the higher - ranked team, but «early line movement off of» the opening line suggests that some big money is coming in on the team the public public perception both favor the higher - ranked team, but «early line movement off of» the opening line suggests that some big money is coming in on the team the public public hates.
It is interesting that efficiency is such a high priority for both while chief executives are more concerned about public perception than elected council leaders.
Lead author Dr. Joseph Ripberger said: «We matched high - resolution data on climate conditions from the Oklahoma Mesonet to the Meso - Scale Integrated Socio - geographic Network (M - SISNet), an address - based panel survey that continuously measures public perceptions of climatic conditions over time.»
High - profile drug - safety incidents in recent years have chiseled away at the public perception of industry.
«There's a perception that people with higher IQs might be more neurotic, more anxious, and more depressed — Woody Allen style,» says Karestan Koenen, PhD, a clinical psychologist and associate professor at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Overall, as perceptions of inequity rise from low to high, the probability that a public parent will be interested in going private increases by 17 percent.
Massachusetts education officials have released data that they hope will counteract what they say is a false public perception that most students in the class of 2003 who haven't yet passed the state's high school exit exams are members of minority groups or come from poor families.
The annual PDK / Gallup education poll comes out Wednesday, and policymakers, analysts and pundits will be busy parsing the findings on perceptions of the nation's public schools — from campus safety to high - stakes testing to the new Common Core State Standards.
The survey of the perceptions of academic reform of 912 public - high - school principals was taken in the fall of 1987 for the department's National Center for Education Statistics and released this summer.
However, in most cases because of high teacher turnover and poor public perception, acquiring strong teachers can be difficult.
Columbia University tried to change public perception in 2000, when it started a high - profile, $ 25 million online learning portal called Fathom, which aggregated content from other top - ranked institutions.
During an event Tuesday at Howenstine High Magnet School, the leaders will take — and then invite the public to take — an online survey aimed at gauging perception of the school.
WHAT: Media event in which local leaders will take — and invite the public to take — a four - question online survey aimed at gauging the community's perception of Howenstine Magnet High School.
As gas prices have fallen over the past several months, public perception of what is considered cheap has changed, indicating Americans now have a lower tolerance for high fuel prices than in the past.
The persistent hurdles for diesel have been the higher cost — both for fuel and the vehicles — and a nagging public perception that diesel fuel is dirty, expensive, and hard to find.
«The cancellation of the Honda Accord hybrid points out the fact that hybrid manufacturers have largely been unable to expand the public's perception of hybrids beyond high fuel economy,» said Jack Nerad, executive market analyst for Kelley Blue Book and its Web site.
The public perception is that doctors, with their relatively high earning potential, will pay their student debt bill in just a few years.
d. Changing perceptions of the risks and benefits of nuclear power leads to increasing public support for nuclear > allows the NRC licensing process to be completely revamped and the culture of the organisation to be changed from «safety first» to an appropriate balance of all costs and risks, including the consequences of retarding nuclear development and rollout by making it too expensive to compete as well as it could if the costs were lower (e.g. higher fatalities per TWh if nuclear is not allowed to be cheaper than fossil fuels);
Why is it that this kind of barefaced conflict of interests is largely overlooked, while people like James Hansen call for oil company executives to face trials for «high crimes against nature and humanity `, allegedly for distorting the public perception of climate change for profit?
Aside from the public perception that nuclear power plants are an enormous potential hazard, the high initial cost of these plants and the high cost of closing them when they get old works against attracting investment.
It's only public perception and emotion trumping science that stalls us moving higher
The authors posit that opinion writing helps shape the public's perception of the judiciary, and therefore, judges must follow the highest ethical standards in writing opinions.
The following recommendations, adapted from Judge Burke and Judge Leben's white paper, «Procedural Fairness: A Key Ingredient in Public Satisfaction» highlight specific ideas that court administrators can adopt to boost perceptions of procedural fairness, resulting in higher levels of both litigant satisfaction and compliance with court decisions.
The following recommendations, adapted from Judge Burke and Judge Leben's white paper, «Procedural Fairness: A Key Ingredient in Public Satisfaction» highlights specific ideas judges can adopt to boost perceptions of procedural fairness, resulting in higher levels of both litigant satisfaction and compliance with court decisions.
We are enhancing both the public perception of careers in early childhood education and the capacity of higher education programs to grow the field with the Strengthening the Professional Pipeline project: With support from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, (1) The Quality Improvement and Capacity Building in Higher Education Project focuses on strengthening the quality and capacity of higher education programs and their faculty to meet the demand for professionals with specialized degrees and credentials in early childhood educhigher education programs to grow the field with the Strengthening the Professional Pipeline project: With support from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, (1) The Quality Improvement and Capacity Building in Higher Education Project focuses on strengthening the quality and capacity of higher education programs and their faculty to meet the demand for professionals with specialized degrees and credentials in early childhood educHigher Education Project focuses on strengthening the quality and capacity of higher education programs and their faculty to meet the demand for professionals with specialized degrees and credentials in early childhood educhigher education programs and their faculty to meet the demand for professionals with specialized degrees and credentials in early childhood education.
Also, we used objective approaches to quantify neighbourhood attributes that allowed us to partially control for potential reverse causality due to depressed individuals tending to exhibit negative cognitive bias resulting in negative thoughts and perceptions.65 Residential self - selection bias is likely to be a trivial source of reverse causality in this study because Hong Kong's high levels of population density (6760 people / km2) and low percentage of developed land (less than 25 %) 66 limit most residents» choice of accommodation and 37 % of Hong Kong older adults live in public rental housing.67 Given the satisfactory response rate and the level of similarity in depressive symptoms and sociodemographic characteristics of participants recruited from two types of recruitment centres, the findings from this study are likely to be generalisable to the population of Chinese Hong Kong older adults matching the study eligibility criteria and other populations of older adults living in similar ultra-dense metropolises of Southeast Asia.
If a Realtor five years from now is earning three times what he / she is earning now, I am sure that those same said Realtors will not mind paying three - times higher ORE dues (tax deductible against a much higher income) in order to qualify to be a member of a «real» professional organization, recognized as such by the public as well as by participating Realtors, with the latters» perceptions being as important as the public's perceptions.
* «The perception of the public makes me wonder if the signage may make you a target for gold - diggers in car wreck fraud schemes or thieves (due to the high - tech garb we carry.)»
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