Sentences with phrase «higher resolution observations»

Detecting faint dust close to the dazzling central star requires high resolution observations with high contrast.
The team expects to disentangle the two possible scenarios and find more solid evidence for a black hole in the Bullet with higher resolution observations using a radio interferometer, such as the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA).
Recent high resolution observations have shown that coronal rain is much more common than previously thought [1], suggesting it has an important role in the chromosphere - corona mass cycle.
Studies with ALMA and other telescopes have yet to detect any obvious signs of planet formation in it, though higher resolution observations may reveal structures similar to HL Tau, which is of a similar age.
High resolution observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA) imaged a rotating dusty gas torus around an active supermassive black...
Higher resolution observations have recently become available, and model A could possibly be improved in future studies.
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